Rezumat Midnight Tides: - Steven Erikson

The fifth awesome tale in Erikson's epic Malazan Book of the Fallen fantasy sequence After decades of warfare, the tribes of the Tiste Edur have at last united under the rule of the Warlock King. But peace has been exacted at a terrible price - a pact made with a hidden power whose motives are at best suspect, at worst deadly.
Citește tot rezumatul cărții Midnight Tides:... To the south, the expansionist kingdom of Lether has devoured all of its less-civilised neighbours with rapacious hunger. All save one - the Tiste Edur. But Lether is approaching a long-prophesied renaissance - from kingdom and lost colony to Empire reborn - and has fixed its gaze on the rich lands of the Tiste Edur. It seems inevitable that the tribes will surrender, either to the suffocating weight of gold, or to slaughter at the edge of a sword. Or so Destiny has decreed. A pivotal treaty between the two sides nears - but unknown ancient forces are awakening. For the impending struggle between these two peoples is but a pale reflection of an altogether more profound, primal battle - a confrontation with the still-raw wound of betrayal and the craving for vengeance at its heart. War and confrontation, magic and myth collide in this, the stunning fifth chapter in Steven Erikson's magnificent 'Malazan Book of the Fallen' sequence, hailed as an epic of the imagination and a fantasy classic in the making. Archaeologist and anthropologist Steven Erikson's debut fantasy novel, Gardens of the Moon, was shortlisted for the World Fantasy Award and introduced fantasy readers to his epic 'The Malazan Book of the Fallen' sequence, which has been hailed 'a masterwork of the imagination'. This River Awakens was hist first novel, and originally published under the name Steve Lundin. Having lived in Cornwall for a number of years, Steve will be returning to Canada in late summer 2012. To find out more, visit and more'> Citește mai puțin...

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Următoarea carte pe care vrei să o citești trebuie să fie Midnight Tides: scrisă de Steven Erikson. Midnight Tides: a apărut în anul 2005. O mulțime de cărți bune au apărut în anul 2005 (click ca să vezi lista cărților). Editura la care s-a publicat cartea Midnight Tides: este editura BANTAM PAPERBACKS - poți vedea lista completă de cărți publicate la editura BANTAM PAPERBACKS aici. Cartea Midnight Tides: face parte din categoria Fiction. Este o carte groasă - trebuie să îți faci timp pentru ea - are 960 de pagini. Sperăm să îți placă timpul petrecut lecturând Midnight Tides: și, de asemenea, sperăm că autorul Steven Erikson, s-a ridicat la nivelul așteptărilor.
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