Rezumat The Love Letter - Lucinda Riley

Keeping secrets is a dangerous game . . . 1995, London. When Sir James Harrison, one the greatest actors of his generation, passes away at the age of ninety-five he leaves behind not just a heartbroken family but also a secret so shocking, so devastating that it could rock the English establishment to its core .
Citește tot rezumatul cărții The Love Letter... . . Joanna Haslam is an ambitious young journalist, assigned to cover the legendary actor's funeral. The great and the good of the celebrity world are there. But Joanna stumbles on something dark beneath the glamour: the mention of a letter James Harrison has left behind, the contents of which others have been desperate to conceal for over seventy years. As she peels back the veil of lies that has shrouded the secret, she realizes that there are other forces attempting to prevent her from discovering the truth. And they'll stop at nothing to reach the letter before she does. The Love Letter is a thrilling novel full of secrets, lies and unforgettable twists, from the internationally bestselling author, Lucinda Riley. *This title was originally published as Seeing Double.* Citește mai puțin...

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Următoarea carte pe care vrei să o citești trebuie să fie The Love Letter scrisă de Lucinda Riley. The Love Letter a apărut în anul 2018. O mulțime de cărți bune au apărut în anul 2018 (click ca să vezi lista cărților). Editura la care s-a publicat cartea The Love Letter este editura PAN - poți vedea lista completă de cărți publicate la editura PAN aici. Cartea The Love Letter face parte din categoria Fiction. Este o carte groasă - trebuie să îți faci timp pentru ea - are 624 de pagini. Sperăm să îți placă timpul petrecut lecturând The Love Letter și, de asemenea, sperăm că autorul Lucinda Riley, s-a ridicat la nivelul așteptărilor.
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