Rezumat Writers. Their Lives and Works - * * *

Explore the fascinating lives and loves of the greatest novelists, poets, and playwrights.   From William Shakespeare and Jane Austen to Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Toni Morrison, Writers explores more than 100 biographies of the world's greatest writers.
Citește tot rezumatul cărții Writers. Their Lives and Works... Each featured novelist, playwright, or poet is introduced by a stunning portrait, followed by photography and illustrations of locations and artefacts important in their lives - along with pages from original manuscripts, first editions, and their correspondence.   Trace the friendships, loves, and rivalries that inspired each individual and affected their writing, revealing insights into the larger-than-life characters, plots, and evocative settings that they created. You will also uncover details each writer's most famous pieces and understand the times and cultures they lived in - see how the world influenced them and how their works influenced the world.   Writers introduces key ideas, themes, and literary techniques of each figure, revealing the imaginations and personalities behind some of the world's greatest novels, short stories, poems, and plays. A diverse variety of authors are covered, from the Middle Ages to present day, providing a compelling glimpse into the lives of the people behind the page. Citește mai puțin...

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Următoarea carte pe care vrei să o citești trebuie să fie Writers. Their Lives and Works scrisă de * * *. Writers. Their Lives and Works a apărut în anul 2018. O mulțime de cărți bune au apărut în anul 2018 (click ca să vezi lista cărților). Editura la care s-a publicat cartea Writers. Their Lives and Works este editura DK - poți vedea lista completă de cărți publicate la editura DK aici. Cartea Writers. Their Lives and Works face parte din categoria Beletristica Limbi Straine. Este o carte groasă - trebuie să îți faci timp pentru ea - are 360 de pagini. Sperăm să îți placă timpul petrecut lecturând Writers. Their Lives and Works și, de asemenea, sperăm că autorul * * *, s-a ridicat la nivelul așteptărilor.
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