Rezumat Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

Things We Never Got Over. He's absolutely not falling for the good girl. Bearded, bad-boy barber Knox prefers to live his life the way he takes his coffee: Alone. Unless you count his basset hound, Waylon.
Citește tot rezumatul cărții Things We Never Got Over...   Knox doesn't tolerate drama, even when it comes in the form of a stranded runaway bride.   Naomi wasn't just running away from her wedding. She was riding to the rescue of her estranged twin to Knockemout, Virginia, a rough-around-the-edges town where disputes are settled the old-fashioned way... with fists and beer. Usually in that order.   Too bad for Naomi her evil twin hasn't changed at all. After helping herself to Naomi's car and cash, Tina leaves her with something unexpected. The niece Naomi didn't know she had. Now she's stuck in town with no car, no job, no plan, and no home with an 11-year-old going on thirty to take care of.   There's a reason Knox doesn't do complications or high-maintenance women, especially not the romantic ones. But since Naomi's life imploded right in front of him, the least he can do is help her out of her jam. And just as soon as she stops getting into new trouble he can leave her alone and get back to his peaceful, solitary life.   At least, that's the plan until the trouble turns to real danger. Citește mai puțin...

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Următoarea carte pe care vrei să o citești trebuie să fie Things We Never Got Over scrisă de Lucy Score. Things We Never Got Over a apărut în anul 2022. O mulțime de cărți bune au apărut în anul 2022 (click ca să vezi lista cărților). Editura la care s-a publicat cartea Things We Never Got Over este editura HODDER & STOUGHTON - poți vedea lista completă de cărți publicate la editura HODDER & STOUGHTON aici. Cartea Things We Never Got Over face parte din categoria Beletristica Limbi Straine. Este o carte groasă - trebuie să îți faci timp pentru ea - are 496 de pagini. Sperăm să îți placă timpul petrecut lecturând Things We Never Got Over și, de asemenea, sperăm că autorul Lucy Score, s-a ridicat la nivelul așteptărilor.
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