Top 35 Cărți de Sandra Brown din 2025

1. Tailspin - Sandra Brown

A daring pilot races against time to deliver an important package -- and keep it from falling into the wrong hands -- in this #1 New York Times bestselling thriller of spine-tingling suspense and tantalizing romance. Rye Mallett, a fearless "freight dog" pilot charged with flying cargo to far-flung locations, is rough-spoken and all business, but soft on regulations when they get in the way of meeting a deadline. But above all, he has a rock-solid reputation: he will fly in the foulest weather, day or night, and deliver the goods safely to their destination. So when Rye is asked to fly into a completely fogbound northern Georgia town and deliver a mysterious black box to a Dr. Lambert, he doesn't ask questions. As Rye's plane nears the isolated landing strip, more trouble than inclement weather awaits him. Greeted with a sabotage attempt on his plane, he has barely recovered from the crash landing when he meets Dr. Brynn O'Neal, who claims she is receiving the box for Dr. Lambert. Though he has a strict "no-involvement policy" when it comes to others' problems, Rye finds himself being irresistibly drawn in to the intrigue surrounding his cargo . . . and to the mysterious and alluring Brynn. Soon Rye and Brynn are in a treacherous forty-eight-hour race to deliver the box. With everyone from law enforcement officials to hired guns hot on their heels, they must learn to trust each other to protect their valuable cargo from those who would kill for it. carti sandra brown pdf

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2. Ziua izbavirii - Sandra Brown

Politist in New Orleans, Burke Basile a ajuns intr-un punct in care nu mai are nimic de pierdut: partenerul si cel mai bun prieten al sau a murit, cariera in jurul careia si-a construit viata i se prabuseste, casnicia i s-a destramat si singurul motiv pentru care nu isi pune capat zilelor este o ultima misiune – razbunarea pe vinovatul moral pentru moartea partenerului sau.   Planul sau se concentreaza asupra lui Pinkie Duvall, un avocat cunoscut pentru salvarea infractorilor de la condamnare si care conduce, in paralel, o retea de trafic de droguri si de cluburi deocheate. Insa aparent invulnerabilul Pinkie Duvall are un punct slab – frumoasa si tanara lui sotie, Remy, pe care Burke o rapeste pentru a-l atrage pe avocat intr-o infruntare fata in fata.   Dusmanul sau e unul redutabil, iar tentaculele puterii lui ajung chiar printre colegii lui Burke. Mai mult, planul este pus in pericol de atractia exploziva dintre el si Remy, care ii deturneaza strategia si ii aduce speranta izbavirii. Iubirea care se infiripa intre cei doi le da sansa sa se salveze, dar pentru a o scapa definitiv de sotul ei dominator, Burke este nevoit sa o lase pe Remy sa se intoarca la acesta.   Momentul adevarului va fi balul mascat organizat de Pinkie Duvall, cand toate secretele sunt dezvaluite, Burke trebuie sa-si ispaseasca pacatul secret, iar iubirea si iertarea sunt puse la grea incercare. carti sandra brown

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3. Fantomele trecutului - Sandra Brown

Kerra Bailey, o jurnalista de televiziune in ascensiune, urmareste un subiect care ii va propulsa cu siguranta cariera: un interviu cu legendarul maior Trapper, devenit un adevarat erou national dupa curajul dovedit in salvarea victimelor unui atentat cu bomba. Problema este ca, brusc, maiorul a disparut din atentia publicului, refuzand orice contact cu presa. Insa Kerra este dispusa sa faca uz de toate mijloacele necesare pentru a ajunge la maior – chiar si sa il convinga pe fiul instrainat al acestuia, fostul agent ATF John Trapper, sa ii faca intrarea. Inca furios pe tatal lui, John nu vrea sa mai aiba nici o legatura cu acesta, prin urmare ii alunga pe toti cei care ar dori sa-i aduca din nou in lumina reflectoarelor. Insa perseverenta si incapatanarea Kerrei, alaturi de insinuarile ei ca povestea din trecut are si o latura necunoscuta, ii starnesc interesul fara sa vrea. Iar cand interviul Kerrei cu maiorul ia o turnura tragica, John isi da seama ca au dezgropat fara voie un secret mortal. Kerra este constienta ca John poate fi nu doar fermecator, ci si periculos, insa nu are cum sa se opuna atractiei pe care o simte pentru el. In plus, amandoi trebuie sa isi uneasca fortele daca vor sa scoata la iveala itele unei conspiratii cu implicatii profunde – si sa ramana in viata.   carti sandra brown pdf

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4. Tailspin - Sandra Brown

Everyone, and that means everyone is hiding secrets. - NetGalley reviewer   THE NUMBER 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!! Don't miss this spine tingling thriller about a daring pilot caught in a race against time   Rye Mallett, a fearless 'freight dog' pilot charged with flying cargo to far-flung locations, is often rough-spoken and soft of regulations.   But he does have a rock-solid reputation: he will fly in the foulest weather, day or night and deliver the goods. So when Rye is asked the fly into a completely fogbound northern Georgia town and deliver a mysterious black box to a Dr Lambert, he doesn't ask questions.   As Rye's plane nears the isolated landing strip, worse trouble than bad weather awaits him. He is greeted first by a sabotage attempt that causes him to crash land; and then by Dr Brynn O'Neal, who claims she was sent for the box in Dr Lambert's stead. Rye finds himself irresistibly drawn to the intrigue surrounding his cargo . . . and to the mysterious and alluring Brynn.   Soon Rye and Brynn are in a treacherous forty-eight-house race to deliver the box. With everyone from law enforcement officials to hired thugs hot on their heels, they must learn to trust each other so they can protect their valuable cargo from those who would kill for it. carti sandra brown

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5. Imbratisare in amurg - Sandra Brown

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6. Rainwater - Sandra Brown

A romantic historical novel from the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seeing Red about an independent woman who runs a boarding house in Dust Bowl Texas. Ella Baron runs her Texas boarding house with the efficiency of a ship's captain and the grace of a gentlewoman. She cooks, cleans, launders, and cares for her ten-year-old son, Solly, a sweet but challenging child whose busy behavior and failure to speak elicits undesired advice from others in town. Ella's plate is full from sunup to sundown. When a room in her boarding house opens up, the respected town doctor brings Ella a new boarder―the handsome and gallant Mr. David Rainwater--but Ella is immediately resistant to opening up her home to this mysterious stranger. Even with assurances that Mr. Rainwater is a man of impeccable character, a former cotton broker and a victim of the Great Depression, Ella stiffens at the thought of taking him in. Dr. Kincaid tells Ella in confidence that Mr. Rainwater won't require the room for long: he is dying. Begrudgingly, Ella accepts Mr. Rainwater's application to board, but she knows that something is happening; she is being swept along by an unusual series of events. Soon, this strong-minded, independent woman will realize that the living that she has eked out for herself in the small bubble of her town is about to change, whether she likes it or not... Racial tensions, the financial strain of livelihoods in cotton drying up into dust, and the threat of political instability swirl together into a tornado on the horizon. One thing is certain: the winds of change are blowing all over Texas--and through the cracks in the life that Ella Barron has painstakingly built. This is the story of a woman who takes her life's circumstances in both hands, but who will be forced to reckon with the chaos of her circumstances... carti sandra brown

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7. Capcana - Sandra Brown

Agentul FBI Drex Easton este manat de un singur scop: sa il gaseasca pe Weston Graham, un barbat care, de treizeci de ani, atrage femei bogate, le deposedeaza de avere si dispare fara urma. Desi nu are dovezi palpabile, Drex este convins ca aceste femei au fost ucise, dar de fiecare data cand este pe punctul sa-l prinda, Weston isi schimba identitatea si dispare din nou.   Acum, pentru prima data in lungul joc de-a soarecele si pisica, Drex are un suspect. Atragator si fermecator, Jasper Ford s-a casatorit de curand cu o femeie de afaceri de succes, cu multi ani mai tanara decat el, Talia Shafer. Drex se strecoara in viata lor, pozand in noul lor vecin. Cu cat se apropie mai mult de cuplu, cu atat e mai convins ca Jasper este pradatorul inteligent si nemilos pe care il cauta. Insa atractia lui pentru Talia ameninta sa-i compromita scopul si integritatea morala. Aceasta este sansa ca Drex sa il prinda definitiv in capcana pe criminalul cautat indelung, inainte ca acesta sa eludeze din nou justitia. Dar mai intai trebuie sa decida daca fermecatoarea Talia este un complice lipsit de suflet sau dragostea vietii lui si… urmatoarea victima.  Capcana este un thriller plin de suspans si pasiune – un roman care satisface toate gusturile. - The Washington Book Review   Sandra Brown demonstreaza inca o data de ce ramane in fruntea scriitorilor de romantic suspense. - Publishers Weekly   Sandra Brown este una dintre cele mai cunoscute autoare americane contemporane. Cartile ei au fost publicate in 33 de tari, in peste 80 de milioane de exemplare. lista carti sandra brown

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8. Jocul de-a dragostea - Sandra Brown

Allison Leamon stie ca e o idee proasta sa accepte planul surorii ei gemene si sa ii ia locul, caci, cu toate ca fizic sunt identice, in rest nu pot fi mai diferite. Cum ar putea un om de stiinta realist ca ea sa convinga pe cineva ca este efervescenta Annie? Prima provocare este intalnirea la cina cu Davis, logodnicul lui Annie. Surpriza insa o reprezinta prezenta lui Spencer Raft, cel mai bun prieten al lui Davis, dar mai ales reactiile ei fata de Spencer, care par sa nu aiba nici o logica. Spencer este un barbat cu multe talente – si sa vada dincolo de suprafata este unul dintre ele. Asa ca simte ca sub fatada atent construita de Allison se afla o femeie pasionala si, dupa ani petrecuti in cautarea emotiilor adevarate, isi da seama ca a gasit exact ceea ce ii trebuie. Dar cum poate un romantic incurabil sa convinga o sceptica hotarata ca dragostea nu este ceva care poate fi studiat intr-un laborator? Si ce metoda mai buna ar fi decat un experiment pasional, la bordul unui iaht, unde isi pot indeplini toate fanteziile si dorintele – iar apoi sa vada daca idila lor a fost doar un interludiu placut… sau dragoste adevarata. Sexy, amuzant si romantic, romanul spune povestea plina de senzualitate a unei femei prea destepte sa se indragosteasca… si a barbatului decis sa-i dovedeasca ca greseste. - Kirkus Reviews   Sandra Brown este una dintre cele mai cunoscute autoare americane contemporane. Cartile ei au fost traduse in 34 de limbi, in peste 80 de milioane de exemplare. lista carti sandra brown

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9. O noua speranta - Sandra Brown

Ramasa vaduva de tanara, Cyn McCall stie ca poate conta oricand pe Worth Lansing, prietenul si partenerul de afaceri al regretatului ei sot. El o face intotdeauna sa rada si sa uite de probleme, iar ea il tachineaza din pricina numeroaselor lui legaturi romantice, fiind convinsa ca Worth nu este un barbat care se poate dedica in intregime familiei. Cand Worth o invita pe Cyn sa petreaca impreuna un weekend relaxant in Acapulco, nu se asteapta sa imparta aceeasi camera, lucru care il face sa o priveasca pe Cyn ca pe o femeie frumoasa si sexy, nu ca pe vaduva celui mai bun prieten. Desi sunt prinsi intre sentimentul de vinovatie si dorinta care ii copleseste, atractia dintre ei nu mai poate fi negata si ajung sa traiasca o noapte plina de pasiune. Intorsi la viata cotidiana, Cyn incearca sa se convinga pe sine ca au dat frau liber dorintei din pricina mediului romantic si exotic din Acapulco, totul fiind o intamplare care nu se poate repeta. Dar Worth stie ca intre ei exista ceva mai mult decat o prietenie sincera si este gata sa renunte la aventurile de-o noapte - daca astfel o poate face pe Cyn sa aiba curajul sa isi deschida inima in fata unei noi iubiri.   O poveste despre forta nesfarsita a iubirii de a renaste si de a se reinventa. - USA Today   Sandra Brown este una dintre cele mai cunoscute autoare americane contemporane. Cartile ei au fost publicate in 33 de tari, in peste 80 de milioane de exemplare. lista carti sandra brown

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10. Envy - Sandra Brown

A manuscript from someone identified only as P.M.E. compels New York book editor Maris Matherly-Reed to find the author. She locates the aloof Parker Evans on a remote Georgia island. Maris is drawn to his tale of two young friends and a deadly betrayal, but its chilling connection to her own life leads her to delve into the truth about a similar decades-old crime. In this explosive New York Times bestselling thriller, a New York City-based book editor travels to a Southern island to meet a mysterious author -- but she's about to uncover a shocking truth about a carefully concealed crime. Maris Matherly-Reed is a renowned New York book editor, the daughter of a publisher and the wife of a bestselling author. It's rare for an unsolicited manuscript to pique her interest, but a new submission with blockbuster potential inspires her to search for the book's elusive author. On an obscure island off the Georgia coast, amidst the ruins of an eerie cotton plantation, Maris finds Parker Evans, a writer determined to conceal his identity as well as his past. Maris is riveted by his tale of two friends who charter a boat with a young woman for a night of revelry . . . an excursion from which only one person returns. Working with Parker chapter by chapter, Maris becomes increasingly convinced that his story is based on real-life events. Disturbed by this realization -- and her growing attraction to Parker -- she searches for clues relating to a crime that was committed long ago. Then someone close to Maris dies, and an evil presence looms even closer: a man who will use anything -- and anyone -- to get what he wants . . . carti sandra brown pdf

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11. Seeing Red - Sandra Brown

Number-one "New York Times"- and "USA Today"-bestselling author Brown returns with another suspenseful, sexy thriller featuring her signature combination of steamy romance and jaw-dropping plot twists. #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown delivers nonstop suspense and supercharged sexual tension in a thriller about tainted heroism and vengeance without mercy. Kerra Bailey is a TV journalist hot on the trail of a story guaranteed to skyrocket her career to new heights: an interview with Major Franklin Trapper, a reclusive American hero who once led a handful of survivors to safety after the bombing of a Dallas hotel. Kerra is willing to do anything to get an exclusive with the Major-even if she has to secure an introduction from his ill-mannered and volatile son, former ATF agent John Trapper. Trapper was fired from the ATF during his investigation into the same hotel bombing, and now he wants nothing to do with his father. Yet Kerra's hints that there's more to the story rouse Trapper's interest despite himself. And when the interview goes catastrophically awry-with assailants targeting both the Major and Kerra-Trapper realizes he needs her under wraps if he's going to track down the gunmen...and finally discover who was responsible for the Dallas bombing. Kerra is wary of a man so devastatingly charming one moment and dangerous the next, and she knows Trapper is withholding evidence from his ATF investigation. But having no one else to trust and enemies lurking closer than they know, Kerra and Trapper join forces to expose a sinuous network of lies and conspiracy-and uncover who would want a national hero dead. lista carti sandra brown

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12. Pretul paradisului - Sandra Brown

Balerina de succes, Blair Simpson are o viata la care cei mai multi oameni doar viseaza. Si pentru ca dintotdeauna si-a dedicat fiecare clipa dansului si spectacolelor de pe Broadway in care joaca sau reclamelor TV in care apare uneori, nu s-a gandit niciodata sa isi aleaga alta cariera. Dar lucrurile se schimba brusc cand, dupa o accidentare la genunchi, are nevoie de o pauza de sase luni pentru a se reface. Asa ajunge sa locuiasca temporar intr-un oras mic, prea putin animat, inconjurata de cupluri si de familii care duc un trai linistit impreuna. Insa nici aici viata nu se dovedeste a fi monotona, pentru ca Blair se simte atrasa de Sean Garett, proprietarul casei pe care a inchiriat-o, iar curand intre ei se naste o pasiune greu de stapanit. Desi e convinsa ca dupa cele sase luni de recuperare se va intoarce la viata tumultuoasa de pe Broadway, Blair ajunge intr-un nou impas - Sean nu vrea o simpla aventura, ci isi doreste o familie, iar pentru ea nimic nu e mai important decat cariera de balerina. Blair trebuie sa decida acum ce este mai important pentru ea: dragostea pe care credea ca nu o va gasi niciodata sau pasiunea pentru dans?   Eroii imaginati de Sandra Brown te fac sa crezi in toate lucrurile calde, minunate si salbatice pe care ti le poate oferi viata. - Rendezvous   Sandra Brown este una dintre cele mai cunoscute autoare americane contemporane. Cartile ei au fost publicate in 33 de tari, in peste 80 de milioane de exemplare. carti sandra brown pdf

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13. Chill Factor - Sandra Brown

Suspense abounds in Brown's latest gripping #1 "New York Times" bestseller, in which a successful magazine editor is trapped in her remote cabin with a man believed to be a serial killer. From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seeing Red comes a suspense novel about a woman trapped in a remote cabin with a man who may be a serial killer. Five women are missing from the sleepy mountain town of Cleary, North Carolina, and a blue ribbon has been left near where each woman was last seen. Lilly Martin has returned to Cleary to close the sale of her cabin. But when her car skids and strikes a stranger, Ben Tierney, as he emerges from the woods, they've no choice but to wait out a brutal blizzard in the cabin. And as the hours of their confinement mount, Lilly wonders if the greater threat to her safety isn't the storm, but the stranger beside her.... carti sandra brown pdf

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14. Focul mocnit din paradis - Sandra Brown

Numarul 1 pe lista de bestseller-uri din New York Times   Cartea redescopera sudul legendar al romanului american, un loc in care fiecare familie poarta un secret pasional si fiecare pasiune e scump platita, in care dragostea trebuie sa fie statornica la fel ca ura pentru a supravietui. carti sandra brown pdf

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15. Chiar si ingerii cad - Sandra Brown

    Banner - tinara de o frumusete senzuala si provocatoare este totusi inocenta in noaptea cind se suie in patul lui Jake Langston. Se indragosteste de un bărbat cu inima rece...     Jake - el n-ar fi atins-o pe Banner, nu pentru ca ea avea jumatate din virsta lui, sau pentru ca avusese prea multe femei inainte... Dar nu putea sa uite prima lui dragoste... pe mama ei.     Priscilla - cea mai frumoasa si periculoasa tarfa din Texas.     Lydia - avea o casnicie minunata, dar acum, ea si fiica ei erau amenintate de un mare scandal: in trecut, omul la care tineau amindoua, gresise...     Grady - aproape, s-a insurat cu Banner, cind in biserica, tatal unei fete gravide a tras in el. Atunci a pierdut-o pe Banner, dar acum o vrea inapoi. Si are un plan diabotic, pentru a fi sigur de reusita... carti sandra brown pdf

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16. Ricochet - Sandra Brown

The "New York Times" bestselling author of "Chill Factor" returns with a chilling story of murder, romance, and betrayal in high society where one rough-and-tumble detective might find his own life on the line. Available in a tall Premium Edition. The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seeing Red presents a spine-tingling story of murder and betrayal in high society Savannah, where a homicide detective finds his career--and life--on the line. When Savannah detective Duncan Hatcher is summoned to an unusual crime scene, he knows discretion is key. Influential Judge Cato Laird's beloved trophy wife, Elise, has fatally shot a burglar. She claims self-defense, but Duncan suspects she's lying, and puts his career in jeopardy by investigating further. Then, in secret, Elise makes an incredible allegation, which he dismisses as the lie of a cunning woman trying to exploit his intense attraction to her. But when Elise goes missing, Duncan finds that trusting the wrong person could mean the difference between life and death for both of them. carti sandra brown

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17. Outfox - Sandra Brown

From the #1 NYT bestselling author: After a thirty-year search for a serial killer, FBI agent Drex Easton becomes a suspect's next-door neighbor -- but can he navigate a shocking series of twists and turns to track down the truth? FBI agent Drex Easton is relentlessly driven by a single goal: to outmaneuver the conman once known as Weston Graham. Over the past thirty years, Weston has assumed many names and countless disguises, enabling him to lure eight wealthy women out of their fortunes before they disappeared without a trace, their families left without answers and the authorities without clues. The only common trait among the victims: a new man in their life who also vanished, leaving behind no evidence of his existence . . . except for one signature custom. Drex is convinced that these women have been murdered, and that the man he knows as Weston Graham is the sociopath responsible. But each time Drex gets close to catching him, Weston trades one persona for another and disappears again. Now, for the first time in their long game of cat and mouse, Drex has a suspect in sight. Attractive and charming, Jasper Ford is recently married to a successful businesswoman many years his junior, Talia Shafer. Drex insinuates himself into their lives, posing as a new neighbor and setting up surveillance on their house. The closer he gets to the couple, the more convinced he becomes that Jasper is the clever, merciless predator he's sought--and that his own attraction to Talia threatens to compromise his purpose and integrity. This is Drex's one chance to outfox his cunning nemesis before he murders again and eludes justice forever. But first he must determine if the desirable Talia is a heartless accomplice . . . or the next victim. carti sandra brown pdf

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18. Hidden Fires - Sandra Brown

Back in print after 12 years, here is a rare historical romance from the bestselling author of Where There's Smoke. In 1800s Texas, a wealthy matriarch makes a scandalous offer to a preacher's daughter: to marry, in name only, her rebellious son. Now, embroiled in a nightmare of distrust and betrayal, the innocent young lady must try to melt the ice of hatred around the playboy's heart. In this Western historical romance set in 1800s Texas, a preacher's daughter reluctantly agrees to marry a wealthy playboy . . . even if it means risking her heart.

The moment Lauren Holbrook walked into the Texas mansion, she knew she'd been tricked. Instead of asking her to become a secretary, wealthy matriarch Olivia Lockett proposes a scandalous offer: to marry Jared Lockett, her rebellious son and heir to the dynasty, in name only.

Lauren can't know Olivia's real motive, but she's achingly aware of her feelings for Jared. Now, in spite of terrible risks, she has to trust her reckless husband. She has strong feelings for him . . . but are they strong enough?

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19. Smoke Screen - Sandra Brown

"New York Times"-bestselling author Brown returns with a sizzling tale of corruption and betrayal, revenge and reversal--where friends become foes, and criminals become heroes in the ultimate abuse of power. Available in a tall Premium Edition. From the #1 New York Times bestsellng author of Seeing Red comes a scorching...action-filled (Publishers Weekly) tale of corruption and betrayal, revenge, and reversal. When newswoman Britt Shelley wakes up to find herself in bed with Jay Burgess, a star detective in the Charleston PD, she remembers nothing of how she got there--or how Jay wound up dead. Handsome, hard-partying Jay was one of four heroic city officials who risked their lives five years earlier to lead others to safety from a catastrophic fire. His lifelong friend, Raley Gannon, was later assigned to investigate the blaze. But Raley never finished the inquiry because one calamitous night his career was destroyed by scandal. Now, the newswoman whose biased reporting helped bring about Raley's downfall might be his only chance to vindicate himself and get justice for the fire's victims. But the more Raley and Britt discover about that fateful day, the more perilous the situation becomes, until they're not only chasing the truth but running for their lives. carti sandra brown pdf

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20. Outfox - Sandra Brown

One man with multiple identities. Eight women who vanished without a trace. The next likely victim . . . his wife. FBI agent Drex Easton is driven by a single goal: to outmaneuver the conman once known as Weston Graham. Over the years, Weston has assumed countless names and disguises, luring eight wealthy women out of their fortunes before they disappeared without a trace. The only common trait among the victims: a new man in their life who also vanished. Drex is convinced that these women have been murdered, and that the man he knows as Weston Graham is responsible. But each time Drex gets close to catching him, Weston trades one persona for another. Now, for the first time in their long game of cat and mouse, Drex has a suspect in sight. Attractive and charming, Jasper Ford is recently married to a successful businesswoman, Talia Shafer. Posing as a new neighbor, Drex attempts to get close to the couple. This is Drex's one chance to outfox his cunning nemesis before he murders again. But first he must determine if the desirable Talia is a heartless accomplice . . . or the next victim. carti sandra brown pdf

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21. Charade - Sandra Brown

A TV star with a new lease on life must team up with an ex-cop to investigate a series of murders and dark secrets while danger lurks just outside her door. A medical miracle gives TV personality Cat Delaney more than a new heart. With her second chance at life Cat trades Hollywood for San Antonio, where she hosts a TV show for children with special needs. Here she meets Alex Pierce, an ex-cop turned crime writer -- and the first man to see her as a woman since her surgery. But her new world turns sinister when fatal "accidents" begin killing other heart recipients, and a mysterious stalker starts shadowing her every move. Soon Cat realizes Alex may or may not be her most important ally -- and that her new heart comes at a terrible price: a tangled web of secrets and someone determined to take her life. carti sandra brown

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22. Thick as Thieves - Sandra Brown

In this tantalizing thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown, a woman, seeking to learn her father's involvement in a twenty-year-old heist that ended in murder, runs afoul of his accomplices. Twenty years ago in the dead of night, four seemingly random individuals pulled the ultimate heist and almost walked away with half a million dollars. But by daybreak, their plan had been shot to hell. One of them was in the hospital. One was in jail. One was dead. And one got away with it. Arden Maxwell, the daughter of the man who disappeared all those years ago -- presumably with the money, after murdering his accomplice -- has never reconciled with her father's abandonment of her and her sister. After countless personal setbacks she decides to return to her family home near mysterious Caddo Lake, and finally get answers to the many questions that torment her. Little does she know, two of her father's co-conspirators -- a war hero and a corrupt district attorney -- are watching her every move. Ledge Burnet, a rebellious teen at the time of the heist, evaded his jail sentence by enlisting in the army. Now he's back in town to care for his ailing father -- and to keep his eye on the county's corrupt district attorney, whom he suspects was the real murderer. Although the two are bound to silence because of the crime they committed together, each has spent years waiting and hoping that the other will make a fatal misstep. But the arrival of their elusive accomplice's daughter, Arden, who may know more about the missing money than she's telling, sets them both on red alert. She ignites Ledge's determination to expose the D.A.'s treachery . . . and sparks a desire he wishes to deny. carti sandra brown pdf

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23. Tailspin - Sandra Brown

'Everyone, and that means everyone is hiding secrets. . . ' NetGalley reviewer THE NUMBER 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER!! Don't miss this spine tingling thriller about a daring pilot caught in a race against time Rye Mallett, a fearless 'freight dog' pilot charged with flying cargo to far-flung locations, is often rough-spoken and soft of regulations. But he does have a rock-solid reputation: he will fly in the foulest weather, day or night and deliver the goods. So when Rye is asked the fly into a completely fogbound northern Georgia town and deliver a mysterious black box to a Dr Lambert, he doesn't ask questions. As Rye's plane nears the isolated landing strip, worse trouble than bad weather awaits him. He is greeted first by a sabotage attempt that causes him to crash land; and then by Dr Brynn O'Neal, who claims she was sent for the box in Dr Lambert's stead. Rye finds himself irresistibly drawn to the intrigue surrounding his cargo . . . and to the mysterious and alluring Brynn. Soon Rye and Brynn are in a treacherous forty-eight-house race to deliver the box. With everyone from law enforcement officials to hired thugs hot on their heels, they must learn to trust each other so they can protect their valuable cargo from those who would kill for it. ********** Praise for Sandra Brown 'Suspense that has teeth' Stephen King 'Lust, jealousy, and murder suffuse Brown's crisp thriller' Publishers Weekly 'An edge-of-the-seat thriller that's full of twists . . . Top stuff!' Star lista carti sandra brown

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24. Play Dirty - Sandra Brown

From the "New York Times"-bestselling author of "Chill Factor" and "Ricochet" comes this gripping story of obsessive love and its deadly consequences. Now available in a tall Premium Edition. The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seeing Red delivers a gripping story of obsession and its deadly consequences--where nobody's playing by the rules. After five long years in federal prison, Griff Burkett is a free man. But the disgraced quarterback can never return to life as he knew it before he was caught cheating. In a place where football is practically a religion, Griff committed a cardinal sin, and no one is forgiving. Foster Speakman, owner and CEO of SunSouth Airlines, and his wife, Laura, are a golden couple. Successful and wealthy, they lived a charmed life before fate cruelly intervened and denied them the one thing they wanted most--a child. It's said that money can't buy everything. But it can buy a disgraced football player fresh out of prison and out of prospects. The job Griff agrees to do for the Speakmans demands secrecy. But he soon finds himself once again in the spotlight of suspicion. An unsolved murder comes back to haunt him in the form of his nemesis, Stanley Rodarte, who has made Griff's destruction his life's mission. While safeguarding his new enterprise, Griff must also protect those around him, especially Laura Speakman, from Rodarte's ruthlessness. Griff stands to gain the highest payoff he could ever imagine, but cashing in on it will require him to forfeit his only chance for redemption...and love. Griff is now playing a high-stakes game, and at the final whistle, one player will be dead. Play Dirty is a wild ride, with hairpin turns all along the way. The clock is ticking down on a fallen football star, who lost everything because of the way he played the game. Now his future--his life--hinges on one last play. carti sandra brown

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25. Thick as Thieves - Sandra Brown

In this tantalizing thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sandra Brown, a woman, seeking to learn her father's involvement in a twenty-year-old heist that ended in murder, runs afoul of his accomplices.

Twenty years ago in the dead of night, four seemingly random individuals pulled the ultimate heist and almost walked away with half a million dollars. But by daybreak, their plan had been shot to hell. One of them was in the hospital. One was in jail. One was dead. And one got away with it.

Arden Maxwell, the daughter of the man who disappeared all those years ago -- presumably with the money, after murdering his accomplice -- has never reconciled with her father's abandonment of her and her sister. After countless personal setbacks she decides to return to her family home near mysterious Caddo Lake, and finally get answers to the many questions that torment her. Little does she know, two of her father's co-conspirators -- a war hero and a corrupt district attorney -- are watching her every move.

Ledge Burnet, a rebellious teen at the time of the heist, evaded his jail sentence by enlisting in the army. Now he's back in town to care for his ailing father -- and to keep his eye on the county's corrupt district attorney, whom he suspects was the real murderer. Although the two are bound to silence because of the crime they committed together, each has spent years waiting and hoping that the other will make a fatal misstep. But the arrival of their elusive accomplice's daughter, Arden, who may know more about the missing money than she's telling, sets them both on red alert. She ignites Ledge's determination to expose the D.A.'s treachery . . . and sparks a desire he wishes to deny.

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26. Martora - Sandra Brown

Milioane de cititori cer captivantele romane ale Sandrei Brown. Ea ne inflacareaza imaginatia cu personaje irezistibile, actiune captivanta, secrete scandaloase... - The Literar Guild   Talentul de povestitoare al Sandrei Brawn este uluitor de rar. - Toronto Sun   Cistigatoare a tuturor marilor premii literare, extrem de apreciata de critica din America, Sandra Brown este extraordinar de talentata, o autoare cu numeroase romane pe lista de bestseller-uri a ziarului New York Times.  carti sandra brown

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27. Demon Rumm - Sandra Brown

Demon Rumm, un cunoscut pilot de acrobatii aeriene, moare intr-un cumplit accident aviatic. Frumoasa lui sotie Kirsten, desi uraste publicitatea si nu i-a placut niciodata sa fie in atentia presei, se hotaraste sa scrie o carte despre viata raposatului ei sot. Insa cand la Hollywood incep filmarile unei pelicule bazate pe povestea scrisa de ea, lucrurile se complica, iar tanara vaduva este nevoita sa colaboreze cu actorul care interpreteaza rolul sotului ei. Rylan North, un actor celebru, dar cu o reputatie nu tocmai buna in ce priveste relatiile personale, este cel mai potrivit pentru rolul principal. Pentru a intra mai bine in pielea personajului si a descifra enigma mortii lui Demon, cade la intelegere cu Kirsten si ajunge sa locuiasca o perioada in casa fostului cuplu. Astfel, frumoasa vaduva se vede nevoita sa-l accepte in viata ei pe cel mai sexy actor de la Hollywood.  Din prima clipa in care o vede pe frumoasa vaduva, Rylan isi da seama ca ea femeia pe care a asteptat-o toata viata si este hotarat sa afle ce tragedie se afla in spatele hotararii lui Kirsten de a nu-si da a doua sansa la dragoste. Insa lucrurile se dovedesc a fi mai complicate decat a crezut, iar Rylan trebuie sa o faca pe Kirsten sa aiba incredere in el si sa dea frau liber pasiunii.  carti sandra brown pdf

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28. Mirror Image - Sandra Brown

When a TV reporter is injured in a Dallas-bound jet crash, she enters a world of mistaken identity and political intrigue in this action-packed romantic suspense novel -- a Globe and Mail bestseller The crash of a Dallas-bound jet isn't just a tragedy for TV reporter Avery Daniels; it's an act of fate that hands her a golden opportunity to further her career. But it also makes her the crucial player in a drama of violent passions and deadly desires. After plastic surgery transforms her face, Avery is mistaken for the glamorous, selfish wife of Tate Rutledge, the famous senatorial candidate and member of a powerful Texas dynasty. As she lays helpless in the hospital, Avery makes a shattering discovery: someone close to Tate planned to assassinate him. Now, to save him, she must live another woman's life -- and risk her own. carti sandra brown pdf

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29. Joc periculos - Sandra Brown

Rye Mallett este un tip ursuz, vorbeste putin si repezit, are un aspect ravasit, cel mai adesea este nebarbierit si niciodata nu doarme cele opt ore impuse de regulamentul aviatic inaintea unui zbor. Are insa o reputatie solida: poate zbura pe orice fel de vreme, fie zi, fie noapte, si isi indeplineste mereu misiunea. Asa ca atunci cand i se cere sa duca o misterioasa cutie neagra unui anume doctor Lambert undeva prin nordul Georgiei, zburand in cele mai potrivnice conditii meteo cu putinta, nu intreaba de ce – mareste doar pretul. Cand avionul lui Rye aterizeaza pe o pista aproape izolata, lucrurile se dovedesc a fi mult mai complicate decat pareau la prima vedere. Dupa ce o incercare de sabotaj aproape duce la prabusirea avionului, in locul doctorului Lambert apare fermecatoarea doctor Brynn O’Neal, care pretinde ca a fost trimisa sa ridice cutia. In ciuda filosofiei sale de viata de a nu se amesteca in treburile altora, Rye se trezeste atras in mod irezistibil de misterul creat in jurul cutiei pe care o transportase – si de frumoasa si misterioasa Brynn –, intr-o aventura in care pericolul de a-si pierde viata este la fel de mare precum cel de a-si pierde inima. carti sandra brown pdf

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30. Tough Customer - Sandra Brown

From acclaimed bestselling author Brown, "Tough Customer" is a heart-pounding tale about obsession and murder, the fragile nature of relationships, and, possibly, second chances. Available in a tall Premium Edition. The #1 New York Times bestselling author of Seeing Red "charges her characters and their relationships with electricity" (San Francisco Book Review) in this sizzling, sleep-with-the-lights-on novel of suspense. When a deranged stalker attempts to murder her daughter Berry, Caroline King has no doubts who to contact for help: Berry's father, the cagey private investigator Dodge Hanley. It's been thirty years since Dodge last saw Caroline, but the savvy real estate mogul still haunts his dreams. He has a whole bagful of grudging excuses for ignoring Caroline's call--and one compelling reason to drop everything and fly down to Texas to protect the daughter he's never met: guilt. As always, Dodge's perseverance knows no bounds as he teams with a small-town sheriff, but the alarming situation worsens when the stalker claims other victims, leaving a trail of clues lethally pointing toward Berry. And Dodge--a street-smart fighter who has always put his life on the line--realizes that this time, he's risking his heart as well... carti sandra brown

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31. Long Time Coming - Sandra Brown

In this tender, beautifully wrought love story by the "New York Times" bestselling author of "Demon Rumm," a man and a woman find themselves battling each other for the love of a child, but their heated tug-of-war can only end one way. In more than fifty New York Times bestselling novels, Sandra Brown has captivated her millions of readers with stories of charismatic love and tantalizing twists of fate. In this classic tale, a woman is reunited with the man she has loved for years--and must reveal the secret that will jeopardize her chance for happiness at last. He arrived out of the blue--a flesh-and-blood phantom from the past in a sports car as sleek and sexy as Law Kincaid himself. The world-famous astronaut was as devastatingly attractive as the first time Marnie Hibbs had laid eyes on him, seventeen years before. But she well knew the perils of falling for a ladies' man like Law. And this time she had someone besides herself to protect. Law is determined to discover who is sending him anonymous letters claiming he'd fathered a son he knows nothing about. Showing up at the Hibbs's return address from the letters seemed like a step in the right direction. Marnie swears she isn't the guilty party, but when Law meets her son, it's like a one-two punch to his solar plexus. The boy is nearly the spitting image of Law. Law can't remember sleeping with Marnie--then again, he can't remember much about his crazy past. But there's more to it than that: Marnie claims the boy isn't biologically hers. As the tension between them becomes unbearable and the attraction undeniable, Marnie is forced to reveal a long-held that might cause her to lose both the boy she loves more than anyone--and the man she desires more than anything. carti sandra brown pdf

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32. Intoarcerea lui Sunny Chandler - Sandra Brown

Dupa un scandal care tulbura apele intr-o comunitate linistita din Louisiana, Sunny Chandler paraseste orasul natal cu gandul de a nu se mai intoarce niciodata. Dar cand este invitata la nunta celei mai bune prietene, Sunny accepta fara tragere de inima sa vina acasa pentru a infrunta greselile trecutului. Hotarata sa nu renunte la viata mult mai interesanta din New Orleans, Sunny decide sa ramana in micul Latham Green doar timp de o saptamana. Dupa trei ani de absenta, ea descopera ca locurile in care a crescut, si-a petrecut adolescenta si unde s-a indragostit pentru prima oara nu s-au schimbat mai deloc, iar oraselul in care niciodata nu se intampla ceva palpitant nu are nimic nou sa-i ofere. Cu exceptia lui Ty Beaumont, seriful local. Cand cei doi se cunosc la petrecerea de dinaintea nuntii, Ty este imediat fascinat de frumoasa Sunny. Si desi pune pariu ca o s-o aduca in patul lui pana la finalul saptamanii, Ty isi da seama ca lucrurile nu sunt deloc simple. Cum Sunny ii spune clar ca nu o intereseaza o aventura cu el, Ty apeleaza la tot arsenalul sau de sudist cuceritor pentru a o prinde in mreje. Astfel, de la mici tachinari si gesturi nevinovate, cei doi ajung sa lupte cu toate armele seductiei, reusind totodata sa scoata la iveala secrete din trecut care le schimba viata.  lista carti sandra brown

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33. No Rest for the Dead - Sandra Brown

Twenty-six "New York Times"-bestselling authors team up to create a first-rate serial novel--a collaboration of America's greatest storytellers with gripping, spellbinding results. Among the contributors: Alexander McCall Smith, Sandra Brown, Faye Kellerman, J.A. Jance. Jeffery Deaver, Kathy Reichs, Lisa Scottoline, and Jeff Lindsay. In this New York Times bestseller, twenty-six renowned thriller authors team up to create a first-rate serial novel--a collaboration that combines the skills of America's greatest storytellers to produce a single gripping, spellbinding mystery. "The lineup of writers who have contributed to this mystery is akin to the Murderers' Row of the 1927 New York Yankees. There is not a weak spot in the bunch." --David Baldacci, from the Introduction Alexander McCall Smith. Sandra Brown. Faye Kellerman. J.A. Jance. Jeffery Deaver. Kathy Reichs. Lisa Scottoline. Jeff Lindsay. These are only a handful of the names that make up the all-star lineup of authors behind No Rest for the Dead, a tale of vengeance, greed, and love that flows seamlessly, in the words of David Baldacci, "as it passes from one creator's mind to the next." When Christopher Thomas, a ruthless curator at San Francisco's McFall Art Museum, is murdered and his decaying body is found in an iron maiden in a Berlin museum, his wife, Rosemary, is the primary suspect, and she is tried, convicted, and executed. Ten years later, Jon Nunn, the detective who cracked the case, is convinced that the wrong person was put to death. In the years since the case was closed, he's discovered a web of deceit and betrayal surrounding the Thomases that could implicate any number of people in the crime. With the help of the dead woman's friend, he plans to gather everyone who was there the night Christopher died and finally uncover the truth, suspect by suspect. Solving this case may be Nunn's last chance for redemption...but the shadowy forces behind Christopher's death will stop at nothing to silence the past forever. In this innovative storytelling approach, each of these twenty-five bestselling writers brings their distinctive voice to a chapter of the narrative, building the tension to a shocking, explosive finale. No Rest for the Dead is a thrilling, page-turning accomplishment that only America's very best authors could achieve. carti sandra brown

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34. Pasiunea - Sandra Brown

Doctor chirurg, Rennie Newton este complet dedicata profesiei sale. Cand este citata sa fie jurat intr-un proces, se implica cu aceeasi seriozitate si competenta care ii castigasera o reputatie profesionala impecabila. Tocmai acest lucru o obliga sa dea verdictul de nevinovatie barbatului aflat pe banca acuzatilor, celebrul ucigas platit Ricky Lozada, care reusise de ani si ani sa le rada in nas politistilor si procurorilor. Insa asta se dovedeste a fi una dintre cele mai regretabile decizii luate vreodata, caci Rennie se alege cu un admirator nedorit. Curand, existenta ei atent organizata incepe sa se dezintegreze cand un coleg este ucis, iar ea este considerata posibil suspect.   In acelasi timp, in viata ei intra, deloc intamplator, Wick Threadgill, un politist suspendat din activitate. Temperamental, ursuz, manat de loialitate si pasiune, Wick are un trecut in care figura lui Lozada joaca un rol tragic. Pe masura ce miza acestui joc mortal creste, Wick si Rennie incheie o alianta care, spera ei, ii va ajuta sa scape de obsesia unui sociopat, sa renasca sperantele fragile ale unui barbat pentru rascumpararea pacatelor si sa ajute straduintele unei femei de a-si depasi cea mai mare temere: aceea de a iubi din nou.   Printre autorii contemporani ai genului, Sandra Brown nu are prea multi rivali. - Publishers Weekly   Sandra Brown este una dintre cele mai cunoscute autoare americane contemporane. Cartile ei au fost publicate in 33 de tari, in peste 80 de milioane de exemplare. carti sandra brown pdf

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35. A doua viata - Sandra Brown

Cat Delaney pare sa fie o femeie implinita, dar are nevoie de a doua viata. Este frumoasa. Are o cariera stralucita si un barbat care o iubeste. Totusi, timpul trece in defavoarea ei. Cat Delaney are o boala grava de inima si, in lipsa unui transplant, poate muri in orice clipa. Norocul ii surade si are sansa la a doua viata. Un miracol medical i-a dat lui Cat Delaney o noua inima, dar si a doua viata. Actrita de seriale tip sopa-opera are sansa sa o ia de la capat. Alege sa paraseasca Hollywood-ul pentru a gazdui un show care ajuta copiii cu nevoi speciale in San Antonio. A doua viata este plina de pericole. In a doua viata, il cunoaste pe Alex Pierce, un fost politist care a devenit scriitor. Este primul care o priveste din nou ca pe o femeie, si nu ca pe un pacient in stare grava. Atunci cand „accidente" fatale incep sa-i ucida pe ceilalti bolnavi care au primit o inima noua, el ar putea deveni cel mai important aliat al ei, doar daca nu a trecut de partea dusmanului… A doua viata incepe sa i se transforme intr-un misterios cosmar. Exista un barbat care o urmareste pas cu pas. Cat este prinsa intr-un labirint de tradari si secrete. Poate va vedea prea tarziu cine se ascunde in spatele mastii. lista carti sandra brown

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Poveștile de dragoste au fost descoperite de cititori prin intermediul Sandrei Brown, ea fiind promotoarea acestui gen și cea care a adus dragostea la rang de artă. Dacă nu ai auzit de Sandra Brown, este musai momentul să te familiarizezi cu stilul ei și cu poveștile pline de senzualitate, pentru că sunt un deliciu și un prilej excelent de relaxare. Eroi frumoși și carismatici, eroine sensibile și în căutarea marii iubiri și o intrigă excelentă, toate însoțesc titlurile Sandrei Brown pe care vă recomandăm să le citiți de la cap la coadă. Merită toată atenția voastră de cititori pasionați și fiți atenți la recomandările noastre.

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