Joc secund. Editie bibliofila
Why is pain so poorly understood? Why do we still distinguish between mental pain and physical pain, when pain is always an emotional experience? How can it be that science is about to clone a human being but still can't cure the pain of a bad back? If pain is the reason why most people visit the doctor, why are most doctors so bad at addressing the problem of suffering? Marni Jackson's Pain: The Fifth Vital Sign is a witty, personal and groundbreaking inquiry into the nature, treatment and definition of human pain, one of the most misunderstood and elusive subjects to challenge humankind. In the questing and narrative manner of Oliver Sacks, Jackson takes us back into the history of pain and forward into the possibilities of pain genetics, Jackson brings us stories both of people in pain and the pain pioneers: eccentrics and artists, wrestlers and writers, psychologists and philosophers, nurses and doctors. Above all, "Pain" makes an elusive subject vivid and readable. We all know what pain is. Now Marni Jackson has given it a voice.
Based on the phenomenal growth of Quinn's popularity, and her four-week stint on the New York Times bestseller list with Romancing Mr Bridgerton, it′s the perfect time to revisit Ms Quinn's 'splendid' storytelling. American heiress Emma Dunster has always been fun-loving and independent with no wish to settle into marriage. She plans to enjoy her Season in London in more unconventional ways than husband-hunting. But this time Emma′s high-jinks lead her into dangerous temptation... Alexander Ridgely, the Duke of Ashbourne, is a notorious rake who carefully avoids the risk of love...until he plants one reckless kiss on the sensuous lips of this high-spirited innocent... and condemns himself to delicious torment. Little does he know that his passion has touched the very soul of the lovely enchantress... and committed them both to a lifetime of splendid ecstasy.
Fay decides to have one last fling, one brief encounter, before she ties the knot for better for worse the following weekend. And the wedding itself will be just as unorthodox, for, in a bid to be modern and grown up, the bride and groom invite a potentially explosive mix of ex-boyfriends and girlfriends, as well as several irritating in-laws. Fay is determined to have a good time, but there's one person present who has other ideas ...Jane Moore's antennae are perfectly tuned to what men and women really think of each other in the noughties. THE EX-FILES is a bracing, witty look at contemporary relationships that will make you laugh and, possibly, make you think as well.
O excursie de-a lungul Tamisei, de la Londra la Oxford, poate fi extrem de palpitanta cand trei prieteni, dornici de schimbare, pleaca in concediu, dar singuri, ci cu Montmorency, si nu pe jos sau cu automobilul, ci in barca. O barca destul de mare in care sa incapa toti, si bagajele lor, si alimentele, si banjoul, si tigaia, si Montmorency, si prietenii lui....Nu! Prietenii lui Montmorency, nu! De ce? Ei, asta-i acu! Doar Montmorency.
Istoria unui galban traverseaza societatea romaneasca din prima jumatate a secolului XIX. Modalitatea folosita de autor (dialogul intre un galben si o para, in care fiecare isi povesteste aventuri) ii ofera posibilitatea - ca in literatura picaresca - sa frecventeze medii variate, surprinzand fizionomia morala a fiecaruia. Intr-adevar, " banul este cea mai sigura peatra de cercetare a firei omenesti..." Calatoriile succesive ale galbenului, prin buzunarele diferitelor personaje, dezvaluie "cata marsavie plina de dezgust este ascunsa inauntrul unor bipede..."
'Almost forgot, Cherub, l got something to cheer you up yesterday. Found it in the tartan workshop.' He hands me the parcel, out of which comes a WHOLE SCOTTISH OUTFIT! Kilt, white shirt, frilly collar thing, tartan sash, red sporran and, to top it all (or should that be to bottom it all?), thick green woolly knee-length socks... with GARTERS! Angel's holiday in Scotland is providing more drama to her already tumultuous life. Before leaving she learns that, tragically, Mercedes will be leaving to join her parents in Florida - probably forever! Then Potty discovers that there is something fishy about the haggis Harrods sell and is on the warpath - always a bad thing ... And does Sydney want to be more than a friend, and how does she feel about THAT? Then there are even more horrors for Angel, her family and friends when they come back home... Angel's teenage dilemmas, hilarious adventures, and love of cooking make for a diverting read. - Publishing News
Si-a lasat mana mai jos, dar ce a atins nu era o simpla cuvertura - avea ceva dedesubt ce semana cu forma unui picior. Silas ramase impietrit. - Ce naiba e asta? se gandi el Asculta cu atentie, dar nu se auzea nimic. Cu un mare efort atinse din nou cu varful degetelor acel loc, dar de aceasta data sari in spate o jumatate de metru si ramase tremurand si paralizat de frica. Era ceva in patul lui. Nu stia ce anume, dar ceva era. Cateva secunde ramase neclintit. Apoi, din instinct, aprinse o lumanare. De indata ce flacara incepu sa lumineze se intoarse incet si cauta ceea ce-i era teama sa vada. Cuvertura era trasa cu grija peste perna, dar forma pe care o acoperea semana cu silueta unui corp care zacea nemiscat.
Fantezie dramatica in versuri, pentru copii.
In aceasta carte, pozitia de onoare, o ocupa Columb Amiralul, pentru ca daca nu ar fi fost el cu credinta, curajul si perseverenta sa, n-ar mai fi existat natiunea americana, asa cum o stim noi astazi, cu valorile despre libertate si democratie. Columb a fost cel a descoperit Lumea Noua, care a deschis Americii portile spre progres, a fost un adevarat erou al perseverentei si al triumfului asupra tuturor obstacolelor, in ciuda piedicilor. A fost o adevarata inspiratie si un indrumator pentru poporul american, inca din timpul vietii sale.
Se spune ca Frankenstein a fost scris intr-un timp record de catre Mary Shelley, scriitoare cunoscuta, ea insasi, sotia poetului Shelley, unul dintre cei mai importanti poeti englezi din secolul al XIX-lea. Este povestea horror a ucenicului vrajitor (Dr. Frankenstein), care nazuieste sa-si egaleze maestrul (Dumnezeu) si este depasit de propria isprava. in acelasi timp, este povestea celui care, singur fiind si insingurat, poate deveni un monstru in societatea care, pe buna dreptate, nu-l intelege, il respinge si se teme de el.
Daniel is a social worker in his thirties, raised in a council-flat in south London by a single-mother, he has never known his father, nor even his identity. His wife is in a psychiatric hospital, following a break-down, when a case of benefit fraud is referred to him, involving a man who lives in the flat in which he had lived as a child, the flat he abandoned untouched when his mother died of cancer over ten years ago. Amos, the claimant, who has claimed to have lost both his legs in an accident, turns out to be entirely fit and healthy, but his stories, (fantasties? lies?) of his life at sea, draw Daniel back to the flat again and again as he is seduced into a world of story reminiscent of Melville and Conrad. Amos' last tale, of when he killed a man, a fellow-sailor with whose sister he is in love, proves the most haunting of all. Is the story true, and if it is, is Amos Daniel's father? It is hard to compare this novel to anything else, but Murr's power of imagination and his fascination with stories, lies and madness are powerfully affecting and haunting. This novel announces him as a major talent.
The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt uniquely covers 700,000 years of ancient Egypt from the stone age to the Roman conquest. The story of the ancient Egyptians, from their prehistoric origins to their conquest by the Persians, Greeks, and Romans makes for fascinating reading, with subjects ranging from the changing nature of life and death in the Nile valley to some of the earliest masterpieces of art, architecture, and literature in the ancient world.An international team of experts in the field address the issues surrounding this distinctive culture, vividly relating the rise and fall of ruling dynasties, exploring colourful personalities, and uncovering surprising facts, such as the revelation that Scotland Yard possesses a print taken from the hand of a mummy. A well-rounded picture of an intriguing civilization emerges.
Twisters and Other Terrible Storms. A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #23. Twister on Tuesday When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #23: Twister on Tuesday, they had lots of questions. How do tornadoes form? What kinds of tools can help predict bad storms? Where did the biggest snowfall on record happen? How fast are hurricane winds?
Friendships, connections, family ties, trust, loyalty, obedience-this was the 'glue' that held us together. These were the principles that the greatest Mafia "Boss if Bosses," Joseph Bonnano, lived by. Born in Castellammare del Golfo, Sicily, Bonnano found his future amid the whiskey-running, riotous streets of Prohibition America in 1924, when he illegally entered the United States to pursue his dreams. By the age of only twenty-six, Bonnano became a Don. He would eventually take over the New York underworld, igniting the "Castellammarese War," one of the bloodiest Family battles ever to hit New York City... Now, in this candid and stunning memoir, Joe Bonanno-likely a model for Don Corleone in the blockbuster movie The Godfather-takes readers inside the world of the real Mafia. He reveals the inner workings of New York's Five Families-Bonanno, Gambino, Profaci, Lucchese, and Genovese-and uncovers how the Mafia not only dominated local businesses, but also influenced national politics. A fascinating glimpse into the world of crime, A Man of Honor is an unforgettable account of one of the most powerful crime figures in America's history.
"Elle etait la, immobile sur son lit, la petite phrase bien connue, trop connue: Je t'aime. Trois mots maigres et pales, si pales. Les sept lettres ressortaient a peine sur la blancheur des draps. Il me sembla qu'elle nous souriait, la petite phrase. Il me sembla qu'elle nous parlait: - Je suis un peu fatiguee. Il parait que j'ai trop travaille. Il faut que je me repose. - Allons, allons, Je t'aime, lui repondit Monsieur Henri, je te connais. Depuis le temps que tu existes. Tu es solide. Quelques jours de repos et tu seras sur pied. Monsieur Henri etait aussi bouleverse que moi. Tout le monde dit et repete 'Je t'aime'. Il faut faire attention aux mots. Ne pas les repeter a tout bout de champ. Ni les employer a tort et a travers, les uns pour les autres, en racontant des mensonges. Autrement, les mots s'usent. Et parfois, il est trop tard pour les sauver."
Cand eroina cartii, Natalie Seebring, in varsta de 76 de ani, anunta ca are de gand sa se recasatoreasca, la numai sase luni de la moartea sotului, dupa 58 de ani de casnicie, fiul si fiica ei ramin stupefiati si o condamna pentru aceasta decizie. Confruntandu-se cu reactia lor de dezaprobare si respingere, ea ajunge la concluzia ca a venit vremea sa vorbeasca despre trecut si sa dezvaluie secrete pe care le-a tainuit zeci de ani. Incepe, astfel, sa-si scrie memoriile, si, pe masura ce firul se deapana, uimirea celor apropiati creste. Triumfurile si tragediile, suisurile si coborisurile vietii de familie, cu problemele de comunicare dintre membrii sai, sunt departe de aparentele unei existente perfecte, cultivate cu grija de-a lungul timpului. Un roman scris cu mare sensibilitate si caldura, care creeaza cititorului senzatia ca personajele ii sunt cunoscute de undeva, ca face parte din lumea lor. O carte emotionanta ce ne reaminteste ca dragostea nu are varsta si niciodata nu e prea tarziu sa-ti gasesti fericirea.
Joe Brickman is looking forward to his year as captain of the Lawndale High soccer team - and to a blooming relationship with his neighbour Kristine. But when the social structure of the school begins to crumble, Joe finds himself on the wrong side of the new order. Violence has always been part of school life - especially at Lawndale. It goes back generations. But as the brutal, tribal rules that govern the school are exposed, Joe has to find the courage to break free...
It was a horrible tragedy but what if hidden behind the story of the awful on-camera murder of "Wall Street Journal" reporter Daniel Pearl, was another darker story? What is his murderers weren't just fanatic followers of Osama bin Laden? What if he wasn't killed - as was universally assumed - because he was Jewish and American? What if he was murdered because he was a reporter who was on to something?
North Side of the Tree is the 2nd book in the Raider's Tide Series Sequel to Raider's Tide. The continuation of Beatrice and Robert's story, historical drama set in 16th Century border country. In Raider's Tide, Beatrice, a sixteen-year-old English girl, saves Robert - a - Scot from death. She has risked her own life, by helping the enemy but in turn is rescued by John, the local pastor. After nearly drowning, and with Robert gone, Beatrice finds it difficult to settle back into everyday life. She starts to learn healing with the Cockleshell Man but is too distraught to concentrate well. A quarrel with her father results in her leaving home to stay at the Parsonage out father's way. There, her relationship with John deepens and they become betrothed. Meanwhile several captured Scots are imprisoned in the infamous dungeons of Lancaster Castle. Robert is among them - he did not make it across the border. The prisoners are almost certain to be hanged after their trials at the Lent Assizes. Beatrice makes repeated attempts to free him, but nothing works and Robert is condemned to die. In desperation Beatrice plots with some travelling players to rescue Robert and in doing so, she jeopardises her relationship with John and narrowly escapes being thrown into jail herself. In saving Robert, Beatrice has become a fugitive from the law herself... and Scotland is the only place she can go.
WASHINGTON STATE, 1925. Slava Petrovich - or "Cuss" because he can swear in fourteen different languages - knows he'll become a coalminer one day like his older brothers. For now, though, he is happy at school, hanging out with his best friends Perks and Skinny during the long, hot summers; fighting; and plotting daring train heists. But trouble is brewing in town - a dead man is found and Cuss's childhood begins to disappear fast, as he faces the most difficult decision he has ever had to make...
Set just after the Napoleonic wars, Small Gains is the story of Clara, a true heroine who struggles to keep her head above water in a time of poverty and prejudice. Nat, the cruel but incredibly attractive son of the local rich family, turns both Clara and her family's lives upside down, both in the world of racing and in the flushes of first love. And with the threat of tuberculosis hanging over them all, Clara faces up to her extraordinary life and loves with certainty and passion. This is a powerful novel - the story that Jane Austen never told. An epic story of the Garlands and the Groves, two families whose destiny is devastatingly intertwined . . . Since the death of their mother, the Garland family have struggled to survive. Margaret, beautiful and spoilt, is desperately ill with consumption; Jack, headstrong and wilful, rebels against their poverty-stricken circumstances, and it is left to young Clara to keep the family going. The rich, landowning Grover family are ruthless and arrogant, and care little for others; their cruel behaviour towards their horses shows the contempt with which they treat everyone. So when Margaret falls madly in love with the youngest Grover son, events soon spiral out of control for everyone, not least Clara. But she tells the story of her remarkable life and loves with certainty and passion. Set at the turn of the nineteenth century, Small Gains is an extraordinary story by a master storyteller. K.M. Peyton is a true storyteller, and is the author of Blind Beauty, Fly-by-Night, and The Swallow Tales.
An anthology of texts illustrating the development of the short story from the 19th century to the present day, by Charles Dickens, R. L. Stevenson, H. G. Wells, D. H. Lawrence, K. Mansfield, W. S. Maugham, V. S. Naipaul, S. Rushdie, Helen Simpson e G. Greene. This collection includes an exceptionally wide range of narratives - in terms of both time and theme - introducing students to protagonists from all walks of life, from the upper classes to victims of poverty. These stories will stimulate, amuse, excite or astonish readers, with a panorama of human experience designed to make them laugh, cry and marvel. Authors: C. Dickens, R. L. Stevenson, H. G. Wells, D. H. Lawrence, K. Mansfield, W. Somerset Maugham, G. Greene, V. S. Naipaul, S. Rushdie, H. Simpson.
'This is an excellent, quick and powerful read, accessible to everyone' Publishers Weekly On October 16th, 1998, the world awoke to amazing news: General Augusto Pinochet, Chile's former dictator, had been arrested by Scotland Yard in England & was awaiting extradition to Spain on charges of torture & genocide. What ensued became one of the most important human rights trials of the last fifty years: for the first time in the twentieth century, a former Head of State was being judged by a foreign court. Renowned author Ariel Dorfman, obsessed for twenty-five years with the malignant shadow General Pinochet cast upon Chile & the world, followed every twist & turn of the four year trial in Great Britain, Spain & Chile as well as in the U.S., the country that had created Pinochet. Told as a suspense thriller, filled with court-room drama & sudden reversals of fortune, the book at the same time addresses some of today's most burning issues, made all the more urgent after the terrorist attacks of September 11th 2001. What are the limits of national sovereignty in a globalizing world? How does an ever more interconnected world judge crimes committed against humanity? What role do memory & pain & the rights of the survivors play in this struggle for a new system of justice? But above all, the author, by listening carefully to the voices of Pinochet's many victims, explores how can we purge ourselves of terror & fear once we have been traumatized, and asks if we can build peace & reconciliation without facing a turbulent & perverse past. From Dorfman's emotional reconstitution of the many phases of Pinochet's trial, both in London & in Santiago, there slowly emerges a picture of a victory, both for the people of Chile & for people the world over, serving as a prelude to the prosecution of other Heads of State - such as Milosevic in The Hague - but as a warning to many powerful men around the world - like Henry Kissinger - who felt they would never be held accountable for sufferings inflicted on faraway civilians.
Cuprinde poezii din ciclurile: • Balade si idile • Fire de tort • Ziarul unui pierde-vara • Cantece de vitejie • Din periodice
Cartea Joc secund, in editie bibliofila, contine unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii de Ion Barbu.
Excelsior face partea din colectia Laurii poeziei, o colectie deosebita care contine carticele de mici dimensiuni (115 x 80 mm), avand copertile din piele ecologica, cartonate si buretate.
Cartea Excelsior, in editie bibliofila, contine unele dintre cele mai cunoscute poezii de Alexandru Macedonski.
The first time Sam sees the mysterious figure of Janet she vanishes into the deserted fields beyond the town where nothing has ever been built. Sam learns that centuries before this was the place to which plague victims were banished - Scabbit Isle - a place of terror. With the help of Mr Carruthers, the old curator of the local museum, Sam gradually uncovers the horror of Janet's story - consigned to Scabbit Isle by her cruel father and abandoned by her weak lover, Janet suffers without hope. She will continue to do so, if she can't find someone who, for love, will risk all to enter the plague colony to release her. Janet seems to be beckoning Sam to help her and a tragedy within Sam's own family brings Sam even closer to Janet's fate. Janet is the same age that Sam's twin sister Alice would have been had she not been killed in an accident. It is a loss from which Sam's father, in particular,has never recovered. Can Sam summon up the courage to face the terrors of Scabbit Isle and, like Orpheus, venture into the underworld to bring Janet peace?
The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian is the first book in the Conan the Cimmerian Series. Conan is one of the greatest fictional heroes ever created– a swordsman who cuts a swath across the lands of the Hyborian Age, facing powerful sorcerers, deadly creatures, and ruthless armies of thieves and reavers. Between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities... there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars... Hither came Conan, the Cimmerian, black-haired, sullen-eyed, sword in hand... to tread the jeweled thrones of the Earth under his sandalled feet. In a meteoric career that spanned a mere twelve years before his tragic suicide, Robert E. Howard single-handedly invented the genre that came to be called sword and sorcery. Collected in this volume, profusely illustrated by artist Mark Schultz, are Howard's first thirteen Conan stories, appearing in their original versions, in some cases for the first time in more than seventy years and in the order Howard wrote them. Along with classics of dark fantasy like "The Tower of the Elephant" and swashbuckling adventure like "Queen of the Black Coast," The Coming of Conan the Cimmerian contains a wealth of material never before published in the United States, including the first submitted draft of Conan’s debut, "Phoenix on the Sword," Howard's synopses for "The Scarlet Citadel" and "Black Colossus," and a map of Conan's world drawn by the author himself. Here are timeless tales featuring Conan the raw and dangerous youth, Conan the daring thief, Conan the swashbuckling pirate, and Conan the commander of armies. Here, too, is an unparalleled glimpse into the mind of a genius whose bold storytelling style has been imitated by many, yet equaled by none.
Electricity was the scientific fashion of the Enlightenment, 'an Entertainment for Angels, rather than for Men'. Lecturers attracted huge audiences to marvel at sparkling fountains, flaming drinks, pirouetting dancers and electrified boys. Flamboyant experimenters made chains of soldiers leap into the air, while wealthy women titillated their admirers with a sensational electric kiss. Enlightenment optimists predicted that this new-found power of nature would cure illnesses, improve crop production, even bring the dead back to life. Benjamin Franklin, better known as one of America's founding fathers, played a key role in developing the new instruments and theories of electricity during the eighteenth century. Celebrated for drawing lightning down from the sky with a kite, Franklin was an Enlightenment expert on electricity who introduced rods to protect tall buildings, treated paralysed patients, and developed one of the most successful explanations of this mysterious phenomenon. But the study of electricity became intertwined with Enlightenment politics. By demonstrating their control of the natural world, Enlightenment philosophers hoped to gain authority over society. And their stunning electrical performances provided dramatic evidence of their special powers. Using contemporary illustrations, Patricia Fara vividly portrays how Franklin and his colleagues struggled to understand the strange and exciting effects their experiments were producing.
365 days, 7 fights, 4 Kos, 3 decisions, 2 scandals, 1 missing ear, 1 wild year; Chris Jones did not know what he was getting himself into. He looked for a sport to call his own when he was hired as a rookie reporter. He found boxing. Over the course of the year that followed, the dark trade would creep deeply inside him, set his heart pumping one minute and break it the next. Make him stare at violence and dare him not to flinch. In Falling Hard, Jones proves himself to the latest in a line of lyricists to be drawn into boxing's storied corruption plagued world. He gets dressed down by Don King, meets the troubled guy who found Evander Holyfield's ear, goes to Muhammed Ali's birthday party, and witnesses Naseem Hamed explode while Mike Tyson implodes. Falling Hard is in equal measure victory and defeat - an intoxicating mix that leaves Jones addicted to boxing's special brand of pain. Humorous, infuriating and suspenseful, this is boxing distilled to its essence by sports writing's brightest star.
Puneti-va inteligenta si agerimea la incercare alaturi de cei doi detectivi rivali, unul amator, altul profesionist, in timp ce incearca sa dezlege misterul. Domnisoara Stangerson merge la culcare in Camera Galbena. Deodata, in linistea casei rasuna un foc de pistol si tanara tipa dupa ajutor. Tatal sau si un servitor alearga spre camera incuiata si gasesc fata ranita - singura! Nu exista nici o alta iesire, in afara de usa care era incuiata si de fereastra cu zabrele. Cum a scapat atacatorul?
By national best-selling author, Robert Littell, whose most recent novel The Company received rave reviews across the nation, The Once and Future Spy is finally back in print. This is Littell at the top of his form, constructing a tale of espionage and counterespionage revealing the dirty tricks and dangerous secrets about the subjects he knows intimately the CIA and American history, past and present. Littell proves beyond all doubt that he is a storyteller of inimitable caliber. As Stephen Coonts put it, “Eric Ambler invented the modern spy novel. Robert Littell perfected it. The Once and Future Spy is a classic spy story.” At the center of Littell’s plot is an elite plan, so secret and so dangerous that its existence is known only to a tiny group of specialists within CIA headquarters. There is virtually no paper trail but, somehow, the plan has sprung a leak. The plotters must urgently trace it or face deadly consequences. Meanwhile, at work elsewhere on another highly sensitive project for "the Company" is an operative known as “the Weeder” a man obsessed with American history and one of its heroes. When the Weeder's and Washington's clandestine worlds collide, the present faces the past and disturbing moral choices are weighed against a shining patriotic dream. What is the truth? Whose truth should be believed?
In The Invasion Handbook Tom Paulin sets out to recount the origins of the Second World War. The result is a triumph of technique, a simultaneous vision which proceeds by quotation and collage, catalogue and caption, prose as well as verse - a myriad staging of historical realities through the poet's intense and bitter scrutiny of the particulars of time and place. The volume opens with the Versailles Peace Treaty of 1919, which excluded Germany from the community of nations, and with the answering but ill-fated attempt of the Locarno Treaties of 1925 to restore the torn fabric of Europe. It evokes Weimar culture, Hitler's rise to power and the beginnings of the persecution of the Jews, and ends with the Battle of Britain.
Dincolo de oras de Arthur Conan Doyle, o alta carte de aventuri din seria Sherlock Holmes a editurii Aldo Press
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