Top 35 Cele mai vândute cărți din 2005

1. Designers of the Future: Who should make the decisions? - Gareth Jones

What insights does Christianity offer? Christians believe we are stewards of God's creation. We therefore should win control of diseases. We should tackle Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and spinal cord injuries. But the ethical choices are tough. In this coherent, engaging book Professor Gareth Jones tackles: * Who designs designer babies? * What is special about the human embryo? * What are the limits of stem cell research? * Should we not merely repair, but enhance?

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2. Ben Jonson. Poet to Poet - Thom Gunn , Ben Jonson

Edited by Thom Gunn   In this series, a contemporary poet selects and introduces a poet of the past. By their selection of verses and by the personal and critical reactions they express in their introductions, the selectors offer a passionate and accessible introduction to some of the greatest poets in history. Ben Jonson (1572-1637) was born in London, and became a leading poet, playwright and essayist of the Elizabethan age. In 1598he killed an actor in a duel but escaped hanging by pleading benefit of the clergy, and by 1616 had re-established enough Court favour to be awarded a pension by James I - in effect making him the first Poet Laureate.

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3. Tongue in Cheek - Fiona Walker

From the very first day that they move to the Oddlode Valley, it's inevitable that young teacher Mo Stillitoe, recently separated socialite Diana Lampeter and cool, retired dressage diva Anke Brakespear will find their lives entangled. Despite their differing generations and backgrounds, the women are on a relocation collision course. As inept removal men deliver furniture - and even horses - to the wrong houses, other moves are being made ...Mo's bad boy lover takes Diana's eye, Anke's flirtatious husband immediately suggests Mo hop into bed with him - and Diana's local heart-throb brother comes joyfully face to face with the Danish ice-maiden he posted on his wall as a teenager. As a long, hot Indian summer burns its embers into winter, the newcomers settle into their beautiful frost-hugged surroundings, generating enough heat to melt every heart in Oddlode. New passions ignite and old flames are fanned amid the honeyed villages, enchanted gardens, haunted parkland and raucous country social life. The heat is on, and sparks fly - but is this just a flash in the pan or is somebody fuelling the fire?

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4. Drift House: The First Voyage - Dale Peck

 When three young children go to Newfoundland to stay with an eccentric uncle they have no idea of the adventures that lie ahead of them! On arrival at his house they realise quite quickly that life here will be different to New York. The house looks like a ship and seems to be beached on a hillside! Then the next morning when the children awake the house is floating on the sea of time, being drawn closer and closer to the great drain, and the only help at hand are some not-so-trustworthy mermaids and some really quite decent pirates. Can the children, their uncle and his talkative parrot deal with all the dangers? A riveting read that conjures up an entirely believable, rich and complex fantasy world.

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5. In inima Africii Negre - Adriana Sarmiza Dumay

Toti cei care au trait un timp la sud de Sahara au savurat, cu toate simturile lor, viata atat de fascinanta, unica, din aceasta Africa neagra: peisaje ciudat de variate, orizonturi infinite, intunericul intens al noptii sub un cer plin cu licariri de stele ca un vesnic pom de Craciun, ritmul obsedant al tm-tam-ului in fapt de seara... dar si gustul de cenusa al focurilor de brusa, ucigatoare, din care tasnesc, ingrozite, vietatie care au reusit sa traverseze zidul de foc -  Adriana Sarmiza Dumay

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6. Puterea dragostei - Josephine Cox

Apreciata de presa de specialitate din Marea Britanie ca fiind cea mai buna autoare contemporana a genului romantic, Josephine Cox este prezentata cititorilor romani prin intermediul bestsellerului “Puterea Dragostei”, considerat un virf al creatiei sale. Doi tineri, Cathleen si Silas, ce se iubesc de la o virsta frageda, sunt pe punctul de a se casatori. Nimic nu pare sa mai stea in calea acestei hotariri, nici chiar faptul ca proveneau din doua medii sociale diferite si totusi… Silas ajunge in dureroasa situatie de a alege intre dragostea nebuneasca pentru Cathleen si posibilitatea de a-l salva de la ruina si dezonoare pe tatal sau. Acesta din urma gresise grav in afaceri, ramasese dator-vindut partenerului Jack Turner. Dar Turner ii ofera o solutie salvatoare: toate datoriile vor fi sterse daca Silas se va casatori cu fiica lui, autoarea de fapt a acestei propuneri. In balanta hotaririi mai atirna greu un fapt : mama baiatului este grav bolnava si mai mult ca sigur pierderea averii ar reprezenta pentru ea lovitura fatala. Vietile celor doi indragostiti par iremediabil distruse. Nenorociri dupa nenorociri se abat asupra fiecaruia dintre ei. Insa intr-o zi, Silas va reveni hotarit sa-si tina promisiunea facuta odata demult lui Cathleen: Esti totul pentru mine. Ar trebui sa-mi pierd viata ca sa te pierd pe tine. Fragment din romanul "Puterea dragostei" de Josephine Cox "Chiar in momentul in care pasi in birou, Silas stiu ca nu o sa gaseasca un prieten acolo. Celalalt doar parea sa se bucure ca-l vede. Zimbetul vioi, de circumstanta si politetea incintatoare, impreuna cu modul in care-l intrebase despre tatal sau exprimau doar curiozitate. Silas reusi sa descifreze adevaratele semnificatii ale gesturilor acestuia: privirea care spuneau altceva decit gindul, felul in care ii strinsese mina si graba cu care se asezase la birou, ca si cind ar fi pus o bariera intre ei. Urma un moment lung, stinjenitor, fiecare studiindu-l pe celalalt, importantul barbat uitindu-se la Silas si gindindu-se ca era un tanar chipes si cu caracter mult mai puternic decit al tatalui sau. Sub ochii cercetatori ai celuilalt, Silas isi pastra privirea ferma. Nu se clintea si nici nu privea in alta parte. in schimb, astepta deja, stiind ca urma sa plece din birou cu miinile goale, pregatit totusi sa faca tot posibilul ca sa-si salveze tatal si, la rindul lui sa gaseasca o solutie la groaznica incurcatura in care se afla. Iubirea pentru Cathleen, si dorinta ca ea fie alaturi pentru totdeauna ii domina gindurile. Scotindu-si un trabuc din buzunarul vestei, importantul barbat ii reteza un capat si il aprinse la celalalt cu un chibrit luat dintr-o cutie de pe birou. Urma un alt moment exasperant, in timp ce acesta savura gustul, apoi ii zimbi lui Silas si se ridica din scaun. Ei, bine, spune-mi motivul pentru care ai venit, il indemna. Presupun ca nu pentru a-mi vorbi despre cit de minunata e sanatatea ta. ilas respira adinc, in timp ce il urmarea discret pe cel din fata lui. Nu era o priveliste prea placuta. Frederick Carstairs avea un trup urias, ochii albastri patrunzatori, o barba inspaimintatoare si o fire pe masura. Admira succesul si privea cu ochi rai esecul. Silas venise sa-l vada doar pentru ca tatal lui si Carstairs facusera in trecut multe afaceri impreuna si Edward crezuse ca acest om i-ar datora un sprijin. "

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7. Baiatul care voia sa doarma - Michel Brule

Colectia  CARTIER Verde. Traducere din franceza de Lucian Zup. Povestea unui copil nascut in Rio de Janeiro, care intruneste toate calitatile unui best-seller international.

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8. Father Figure - Ann Widdecombe

 Jason Kirk is a thirty-two year old teacher who believes he is happily married until he returns home one day to find that his wife has left him, taking their two young children with her. Suddenly Jason finds the role of father denied to him as he is separated from his children and reduced to the role of visitor. The law is weighted against him and his wife produces a series of excuses to withhold contact with Jake, eight and Leah, three. Jason, who had wanted to bring his children up to maturity on a daily basis, not only has to face the pain of this loss but endures the misery of persecution by the Child Support Agency. He discovers he is not alone, that among friends and colleagues are others enduring the same situation. FATHER FIGURE is an enthralling, thought-provoking novel of modern fatherhood.

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9. John Paul II : Pilgrim of Hope - Autor Anonim

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10. How to Master the Art of Selling - Tom Hopkins

After he learned the world's best sales techniques, Tom Hopkins applied his new skills and earned more than one million dollars in just three years.   Now, in this fully updated and revised edition of the million copy seller, Hopkins shows how you can succeed in the profession of selling. Learn: • How to create the perfect selling climate • Specific questions and tie-downs • Referral and non referral prospecting • How to "sell" the most important people you know • Effective phone techniques • How to finesse the first meeting • How to handle objections and what to do when you hear the word "no" • How to test different closes and master sixteen powerful closes • How to plan for greatest selling impact • And he shows you how his great selling techniques can be yours!

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11. Becoming Strangers - Louise Dean

Jan and Annemieke are going on their last holiday together, their love dissolving in middle age. Thirty years their senior, Dorothy and George are on one of their first. When these four people meet on an island in the Caribbean, they find more than an escape from their daily existence. They discover that it's not too late to save the rest of their lives.

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13. The Dance of Fear - Harriet Lerner

The Dance of Fear. Rising Above Anxiety, Fear and Shame To Be Your Best and Bravest Self Unhappiness, says bestselling author Harriet Lerner, is fueled by three key emotions: anxiety, fear, and shame. They are the uninvited guests in our lives. When tragedy or hardship hits, they may become our constant companions.   Anxiety can wash over us like a tidal wave or operate as a silent thrum under the surface of our daily lives. With stories that are sometimes hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking, Lerner takes us from fear lite to the most difficult lessons the universe sends us. We learn: how a man was cured in a day of the fear of rejection and what we can learn from his storyhow the author overcame her dread of public speaking when her worst fears were realizedhow to deal with the fear of not being good enough, and with the shame of feeling essentially flawed and inadequatehow to stay calm and clear in an anxious, crazy workplacehow to manage fear and despair when life sends a crash course in illness, vulnerability, and losshow positive thinking helps and harmshow to be our best and bravest selves, even when we are terrified and have internalized the shaming messages of others   No one signs up for anxiety, fear, and shame, but we can't avoid them either. As we learn to respond to these three key emotions in new ways, we can live more fully in the present and move into the future with courage, clarity, humor, and hope. Fear and Other Uninvited Guests shows us how.

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14. The Rise of Silas Lapham: Nonsuch Classics - William Dean Howells

 A tale of Boston society and manners, following the fortunes of a self-made man from rural Vermont as he tries to break into the city's sophisticated world of 'old' money.

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16. Balada batranului marinar - Coleridge

Din cuprins: - Nota traducatorului; - De la Rima la Poveste si Balada; - Tabel cronologic; - Balada batrinului marinar . The Rime of the Ancient Mariner este povestea (Levitchi) sau balada (Clontea) poetului blestemat - blestemat cu imaginatie si aparenta lipsa de logica (Marinarul/Cain/Ahab/Evreul ratacitor… ucide un albatros si binecuvinteaza serpii de apa) a creatorului damnat, prins fara sansa de iesire in capcana propriei propensiuni catre comunicare; aventura lui in zonele de simbolism magic ale fanteziei isi cauta semnificatia in orizontul de asteptare al vietii obisnuite, al vietii ca sarbatoare si participare in ritualuri suspendate intre un moment si altul, al eternei plasmuiri; in timp ce potentialul nuntas se purifica in fata milei si groazei scenelor relatate de marinarul-poet (Baudelaire avea sa identifice poetul cu albatrosul), neincrederea lui este si ea suspendata in pragul nuntii care se presupune a-i alunga amintirea obsedanta a mortii; poezia/arta creeaza iluzia eternitatii existentei prin paradoxul celebrarii contrariului acesteia. Poetul romantic pare sa ilustreze in practica scriiturii una din sentintele criticului format la scoala filosofiei germane, si anume "suspendarea voita a neincrederii", care este conditia sine qua non a receptarii mesajului artistic; cu totii stim ca actorii si conflictele de pe scena nu sint reale, dupa cum la fel de bine stim si ca balada ne prezinta fapte cu totul imaginare (a nu se uita nici proiectul descris de Wordsworth in prefata la editia a doua a volumului scos impreuna), insa cu totii stim sa ne prefacem, pentru a putea iesi dintr-un timp si a trece in altul, fie si numai pe parcursul lecturii, ascultarii sau vizionarii operei. Cum migreaza cuvintele si imaginile intre cele doua texte coleridgeene, cum o versiune devine alta si aceeasi, cum se incheaga, se destrama si se refac perspectivele propuse si, in general, cum progreseaza gindirea poetica sint cu toatele prilejuri de incintare intelectuala pentru cititori; dar cind cititorii sint si traducatori - cunoscatori ai celor doua limbi si poeti (ascunsi) ei insisi -, atunci desfatarea se ridica la patrat, iar imaginatia (poate chiar aceea descrisa in Capitolul XIII din Biographia Literaria), oprita din zbor, supusa si fixata in versuri de engleza secolelor XVIII/XIX, vine sa-si reia confruntarea cu o limba romana de peste doua veacuri (si cu alte jaloane evolutive), strunita de cunostintele, talentul si efortul unui romantic tirziu de pe malurile Argesului.  

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17. 100 de poeti ai lumii. Pe aripa poeziei... - Ala Bujor

Cartea cuprinde versuri din lirica universala intre Renastere si Modernism. Speram ca fiecare iubitor de poezie sa gaseasca aici ceva pe gustul sau, apropiat de sufletul sau, o raza de lumina si o stea calauzitoare. Antologia contine reproduceri de grafica si pictura (color), care fac o buna tovarasie poetilor celebri.

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18. Un vis implinit - Pamela Anderson

Celebra actrita Pamela Anderson a inteles ca nu numai frumusetea si talentul aduc succesul, motiv pentru care a hotarat sa scrie acest prim roman al sau, ce s-a bucurat de o deosebita apreciere. Cunoscand viata de la Hollywood, multi au identificat-o pe autoare in persoana eroinei cartii - Star Wood Leigh, astfel ca desi este vorba de o fictiune, se regasesc numeroase momente din viata personala a Pamelei Anderson. In incercarea de a-si depasi conditia sociala si de a ajunge pe culmile celebritatii, tanara vedeta forteaza la maximul propriul destin. Drogurile, amorurile neortodoxe, despartirile si revenirile reprezinta fundalul pe care se desfasoara aceasta poveste. Un vis implinit este un bestseller captivant ce il poarta pe cititor in lumea fascinanta, tulburatoare a Hollywood-ului - cetatea stralucirii si a pierzaniei

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19. Authentic Woman: A Guide to Beauty, Body and Bliss - Susannah Kenton , Leslie Kenton

With so many articles and images in the media encouraging women to become thinner, younger and more successful, it is no wonder that females of all ages feel oppressed and face a constant struggle to achieve these ideals. Coming to their rescue with quick-fix solutions is the beauty industry offering a panoply of treatments that promise to change women's physical appearance and as a result their mental well-being too. Yet Leslie and Susannah Kenton argue that these are fruitless attempts at life enrichment - what really follows are feelings of dissatisfaction and vacuity. In their authoritative and inspiring guide, Leslie and Susannah offer an alternative to the beauty industry's empty promises: by embracing her authenticity and expressing her own individuality, a woman will radiate health and beauty naturally and feel truly empowered. The guide is secret because each woman's life journey is unique and she must discover her own path to fulfillment. Divided into three sections, Body, Beauty and Bliss, this comprehensive guide covers the full spectrum of a woman's needs for inner and outer health and beauty. It includes advice on how to: - Discover your individual beauty blockers, - Detox your body for lasting health and radiance, - Harness your body's natural capacity to heal and cleanse, - Overcome addictive eating and balance your hormones, - Create sacred time and space, - Beat anxiety and turn depression into creativity, Natural beauty, the body they desire and unfaltering mental bliss are within every woman's grasp: this guide is a must for those looking to find them and keep them.

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21. Sub semnul blestemului - Tamara Mckinley

Jacaranda Vines, una dintre cele mai mari corporatii din Australia, ajunge intr-un moment de mare cumpana. Dupa moartea capului familiei, unsprezece mostenitori dezbinati incearca sa ia o decizie privind soarta companiei, majoritatea lor inclinand spre solutia vanzarii. Cea mai inversunata oponenta a acestei optiuni se dovedeste decana de varsta, nanogenara Cordelia, care se ambitioneaza sa nu instraineze afacerea stramoseasca, incercand s-o convinga pe nepoata sa, Sophie, sa preia conducerea firmei. Insa un vechi blesem tiganesc pare sa urmareasca familia, pe parcursul mai multor generatii, ducand la dezbinarea ei. Acelasi blestem ca s-a abatut asupra mai vechilor povesti de dragoste ramase neimplinite pentru Rose si Cordelia, pare sa fie afectat si recenta mare iubire dintre Sophie si Jay Tunner, intrerupta in mod inexplicabil. Numai ca, batrana Cordelia detine un secret in masura sa detensioneza situatia de criza psihologica a familiei, secret a carui dezvaluire nu depinde numai de ea... Un roman iesit din tiparele uzuale, presarat cu intrigi, tradari, dar si cu multe momente romantice, care il vor vraji pe cititor.

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22. Natalie Wood - Gavin Lambert

 'The astonishing life of the screen legend from a man who knew her for twenty years.' Tatler 'This biography is stunning . . . sceptical, elegant, generous, exact.' Observer 'Lambert is the ultimate Hollywood insider/outsider . . . the biography, although obviously affectionate, does not flinch from the emotional and romantic debris of her life. . . . a very readable and well-crafted biography.' Independent 'An irresistible portrait of Natalie's generosity, spirit and fun . . . I fell in love with Natalie Wood all over again.' Mail on Sunday

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23. Intre doua idealuri - Cristache Gheorghiu

E o placere sa te delectezi in stilul lui Descartes si Voltaire, citind acest frumos eseu al domnului Cristache Gheorghiu: Intre doua idealuri. E a treia carte, primele, Singur printre americani, respectiv America after America, aparute cu cativa ani in urma, redau esperienta inedita a unei calatorii in S.U.A., traversand spatiul nord-american in lung si-n lat, preferand, ca mijloc de transport autobuzul, fiindca, mai ales acest autovehicul - dupa cum marturiseste si-n cartea de fata - ii ofera turistului posibilitatea, cat de cat reala si completa, de a cunoaste locuri si oameni, deloc usor, mai ales din punct de vedere material. Da, domnul inginer Cristache Gheorghiu este un peregrin dintre aceia care scormonesc lumea pentru a o cunoaste. Astfel isi creaza acesti peregrini cadrul de a se cunoaste pe ei insisi. "Vreau sa-mi dau seama cine sunt eu ca fiinta omeneasca", pare sa ne spuna si domnul Gheorghiu, urmand o dorinta marturisita de atatia inaintasi, calatori sau filozofi, de la Marco Polo, la Descartes, Voltaire, Leibniz, sau Spinoza. Pentru o marturilre insa, e nevoie de o initiere (pregatire sufleteasca, intelectuala, in general) si de un cadru adecvat, pentru a o depune, marturia. Acest cadru este insasi viata celui ce graieste, iar mijlocul de comunicare - cuvantul scris. Si asfel s-au nascut caritle Singur printre americani si Intre doua idealuri. De fapt, doua dileme: A trai pentru a trai sau A trai pentru a cunoaste si a te cunoaste? Domnul Gheorghiu merge pe cea de a doua coordonata, oferindu-ne un comentariu suplu, ca material faptic, eruditie, stil (acesta venind din talent si studiu), mai ales al umanistilor rationalisti (Erasmus, Voltaire si Descartes, citati si de domnia sa) si al clasicilor iluministi, cu finetea aceea pe care post-modernismul a cam distrus-o, din pacate. Sunt in acest eseu lucruri de o mare frumusete literara: proportiile, expresia artistica, observatia de profunzime, concluziile educative. Deci, cam ceea ce faceau clasicistii. Daca adaug la toate acestea si o anume culoare a timpului si a locului (domnul Ghoerghiu este si un remarcabil pictor), cred ca am surprins cateva din trasaturile definitorii ale acestei carti frumoase, spre care-i indemnam pe cititori, pentru a trai si ei aventura inegalabila a cunoasterii, pentru a ramane oameni, cum spune, in final, autorul.

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24. Capitanul Fracasse. Vol.1+2 - Theophile Gautier

Capitanul Fracasse, incontestabil cel mai bun roman semnat de Theophile Gautier (1811-1872), s-a bucurat de patru editii succesive in chiar anul aparitiei sale, 1863. Imaginea unei lumi in care viata reala se contopeste cu spectacolul ambulant, suspansul si culoarea sunt probabil secretul longevitatii acestui roman. Intr-un castel ruinat din Gasconia traieste, intr-o saracie lucie, ultimul vlastar al nobilei familii Sigognac. O trupa de actori, ratacind in drum spre Paris, poposeste intamplator la castel si tanarul baron hotaraste sa-i insoteasca pe actori sperand ca odata ajuns in capitala regatului sa-si schimbe norocul. Indragostit de frumoasa Isabella, baronul de Sigognac intra in trupa de comedianti, devenind capitanul Fracasse. Va trebui insa sa-si apere dragostea de nenumaratele capcane...

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25. Golful Havana - Martin Cruz Smith

Un roman cu spectaculoase rasturnari de situatie, cu pasionante momente de dragoste, crime si tradiri, care se citeste cu sufletul la gura.   Dupa ce a rezolvat enigma cadavrelor desfigurate in romanul de succes Gorky Park, detectivul Arkady Renko se vede implicat intr-un caz nu mai putin misterios: moartea unui fost spion KGB in singurul loc din lume unde rusii se simteau, pana nu demult, ca la ei acasa – Cuba.   Corpul lui Serghei Pribluda a fost gasit in apele golfului Havana. Cel putin asa sustine politia locala. Arkady Renko este, insa, mai putin convins ca mortul este prietenul sau. O indoiala care ii va atrage amenintarea cu moartea. Din acel moment, nimic nu-l mai poate opri, cu toate ca nu vorbeste spaniola iar rusii nu mai sunt iubiti in Cuba.   Mai rau, ceea ce nu stie Arkady Renko este faptul ca la Havana s-a deschis „vanatoarea de rusi“.   Un rus mort, un rus viu – care-i diferenta?, se intreaba Ofelia Osorio, detectiv la Politia Nationala a Revolutiei. Arkady trebuie sa-i dea raspunsul. Cat inca mai e in viata…

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26. Noua dezordine amoroasa - Alain Finkielkraut , Pascal Bruckner

Sexologie, pornografie, prostitutie, dildouri... autorii fac un bilant al presupusei revolutii sexuale din ’68. Distantandu-se de maestrii Gilles Deleuze si Felix Guattari, ei reabiliteaza dragostea, acest sentiment burghez, si denunta totalitarismul ejacularii. - Le Point Ne bucuram acum de o libertate sexuala uimitoare, in comparatie cu generatiile anterioare. Cu toate acestea, nu am desfiintat lumea antica, in masura in care cruzimea, durerea, plictiseala in dragoste sunt inca prezente. - Alain Finkielkraut AVIZ TUTUROR SPERIATILOR Dimensiunea penisului nu are nicio importanta. Erectiile masculine normale variaza intre 15 si 17 centimetri. Dar este total ridicol sa te simti psihologic handicapat daca propriul penis nu atinge, cu totul si cu totul, decat 12 sau 13 centimetri. Mentionam ca dimensiunea obiectului are mult mai putina importanta decat utilizarea lui, asadar nu este deloc grav daca organul in erectie nu depaseste 8 sau 9 centimetri (ceea ce este foarte onorabil); nu trebuie sa va alarmati nici daca organul dumneavoastra, in activitate, nu masoara decat 5 centimetri, sau 4 sau 3 sau 2. Iar daca penisul dumneavoastra nu depaseste 50 de milimetri sau 1 centimetru, atunci chiar ca nu mai are nicio importanta, dar chiar nici una. Nascut la Paris in 1948, Pascal Bruckner este romancier si eseist, o figura emblematica a intelectualitatii franceze. La Editura Trei au aparut toate romanele sale (Casa ingerilor, Luni de fiere, Hotii de frumusete, Care dintre noi doi l-a nascocit pe celalalt?, Iubirea fata de aproapele, Capcaunii anonimi, Copilul divin, Palatul chelfanelii, Iubito, eu ma micsorez!..., Pazea, se-ntoarce Mos Craciun!, Paria), precum si volumele de eseuri (Noua dezordine amoroasa, Fanaticii apocalipsei, Paradoxul iubirii, Casatoria din dragoste, Euforia perpetua, Mizeria prosperitatii, Tirania penitentei. Eseu despre masochismul occidental). Alain Finkielkraut (n. 1949) este filosof, scriitor si eseist francez, personalitate marcanta a scenei intelectuale contemporane. Preda filosofia si istoria ideilor la Ecole Polytechnique Paris, sustine o celebra emisiune la radioul cultural national din Franta si este cofondator al Institut d’etudes levinassiennes din Ierusalim; de asemenea, scrie si participa la diverse dezbateri contemporane.

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27. The Bell Jar - Sylvia Plath

I was supposed to be having the time of my life.   When Esther Greenwood wins an internship on a New York fashion magazine in 1953, she is elated, believing she will finally realise her dream to become a writer. But in between the cocktail parties and piles of manuscripts, Esther's life begins to slide out of control. She finds herself spiralling into serious depression as she grapples with difficult relationships and a society which refuses to take her aspirations seriously.   The Bell Jar, Sylvia Plath's only novel, was originally published in 1963 under the pseudonym Victoria Lucas. The novel is partially based on Plath's own life and descent into mental illness, and has become a modern classic.

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29. Lord Of The Rings - J. R. R. Tolkien

Discover here the works of bestseller author, J. R. R. Tolkien . Continuing the story begun in The Hobbit, all three parts of the epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings, in one paperback. Features the definitive edition of the text, fold-out flaps with the original two-colour maps, and a revised and expanded index. Sauron, the Dark Lord, has gathered to him all the Rings of Power - the means by which he intends to rule Middle-earth. All he lacks in his plans for dominion is the One Ring - the ring that rules them all - which has fallen into the hands of the hobbit, Bilbo Baggins. In a sleepy village in the Shire, young Frodo Baggins finds himself faced with an immense task, as the Ring is entrusted to his care. He must leave his home and make a perilous journey across the realms of Middle-earth to the Crack of Doom, deep inside the territories of the Dark Lord. There he must destroy the Ring forever and foil the Dark Lord in his evil purpose. Since it was first published in 1954, The Lord of the Rings has been a book people have treasured. Steeped in unrivalled magic and otherworldliness, its sweeping fantasy has touched the hearts of young and old alike. This single-volume paperback edition is the definitive text, fully restored with almost 400 corrections - with the full co-operation of Christopher Tolkien - and features a striking new cover. Discover The Lord of the Ring  series:  • Book One. The Fellowship of the Ring • Book Two. The Two Towers • Book Three. The Return of the King • Lord of the Rings (3-in-1 Edition)

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30. Perdita - Sarah Gristwood

Few women's lives have described such an arc as that of Mary Robinson - or Perdita, as she was widely known. She began her career as an actress, royal mistress and possible blackmailer, and ended it just two decades later as a Romantic poet and early feminist thinker of note. She was the subject of paintings by Gainsborough and Reynolds, and of a hundred political cartoons. Variously portrayed as a wounded innocent and a harlot, she deliberately chose, in her later career, to make a political issue of her sexuality. Born in 1758 in the shadow of Bristol cathedral, she married at fifteen - one Thomas Robinson, an articled clerk of seemingly good family. But Mary had barely made her curtsey to society before discovering that Robinson was little better than a conman. As things grew worse, she followed her husband into debtors' prison, where she wrote her first book of poems. Encouraged by Sheridan and Garrick, who admired her beauty, she went on the stage, and over the next four years appeared in nearly forty plays before being cast as Perdita in A Winter's Tale.   The performance was witnessed by the 17-year-old Prince of Wales, and they embarked on a widely satirized liaison that saw the prince offering to pay Mary #20,000 when he came of age. Mary had made her mark in fashionable Georgian high society and this, over the next two momentous decades, was where she contrived to stay. Mary's brief life saw a radical change in western society. Born at a time when women dressed their hair with powder and wore stiff brocade over whalebone, she died when simple muslin shifts clad women in comparative nudity; a sea change as abrupt as any before the advent of the mini-skirt. Above all, her career saw the moments when the French queen lost her head, and America declared independence. With all these events, Mary Robinson was associated; sometimes directly. This wonderful biography, vividly and compellingly told by the acclaimed biographer of Arbella Stuart, will explore Georgian England during a period of extreme political upheaval through the life of one extraordinary woman.

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31. Betrayal - Paul Carson

 Dr Frank Ryan is the medical officer at Harmon penitentiary in Ireland, which has the dubious reputation of being Europe's most dangerous prison. It's a risky job - the last prison doctor was brutally murdered in front of his family - but for the young, unmarried Ryan it's also an exciting one. Here he can see a multitude of illnesses under one roof, furthering his research while satisfying his adventurous nature. Then, early one cold February morning, Ryan gets a phone call. It's the penitentiary - a prisoner has committed suicide. He's needed right away. Kissing his girlfriend Lisa goodbye, he leaves his high-security apartment and walks straight into an ambush. Four men, heavily armed. Frank puts up a good fight but is his time up? Coming to, Ryan finds himself in hospital. He's in great pain and can barely move. But through the haze of painkillers he senses that something isn't quite right. It appears that he has been moved to England, but why? And why does the voice of the police bodyguard sent to bring him back sound so familiar? Back in Dublin, nothing is resolved. In fact, Ryan's situation just gets worse. Lisa has disappeared without a trace and events at the prison are spiralling out of control. And just who is the mysterious prisoner in J block?

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32. Alexandru Lapusneanul - Costache Negruzzi

Din cuprins: I. C. Negruzzi - deschizator de drumuri in literatura romana; II. Fragmente istorice (nuvelele) III. Ciclul Negru pe alb A. REPERE METODOLOGICE I. Structura operei si comentariul literar II. Perspectiva individuala in realizarea unui comentariu literar III. Modele de comentarii IV. Alte perspective din care pot fi comentate operele lui Negruzzi V. Perspectiva comentariului original este condii¿½ionata de motivai¿½iile individuale B. MATERIALE ANALITICE UTILE COMENTARIULUI I. Paralela intre textul cronicilor si textul nuvelei Alexandru Lapusneanul II. Comentariul model, E. Lovinescu, Nuvela istorica (fragment) III. Scrisoarea IX - planul discursului IV. Planse Insemnatatea lui Negruzzi e covirsitoare ca prozator. Pentru noi, ca si pentru viitorime, el va ramine artistul ce a scris intr-o limba atit de vioaie, atit de armonioasa si atit de curata si, mai presus de toate, el va fi privit drept creatorul nuvelei romanesti. Opera lui in proza nu e prea mare. Bagajul literar a lui Negruzzi, scrie Alecsandri, in cunoscuta-i prefata (la editia din 1872), este mai putin voluminos, precum a fost si acel al lui Prosper Mi¿½rimi¿½e in Franta, insa cistiga in calitate ce-i lipseste in citime. in aceasta opera descoperi totusi trei fei¿½e deosebite pe care se cuvine sa le cercetam cu de-amanuntul din punct de vedere al valorii estetice, inainte de a trage o incheiere mai cuprinzatoare. Negruzzi a cultivat mai intii nuvela romantica, in al doilea rind, el a cultivat nuvela istorica, in care a dat adevarata capodopera; iar in urma va trebui sa tinem seama si de Scrisorile, atit de frumoase, atit de colorate, atit de felurite, in care se caracterizeaza si mai bine firea si talentul lui. Eugen Lovinescu Tabloul lui Negruzzi este lucrat in trasaturi rapide de penel; dar, oricit de sumare ar fi datele pe care le construieste, scriitorul roman izbuteste sa prinda unele note caracteristice mediului si sa puna in lumina inclinarea sa de a receptiona realitatea sub unele din aspectele ei cele mai putin favorabile si de a exagera aceste aspecte pina la dimensiunile caricaturii. D. Popovici Scrieri ale unuia dintre cei mai importanti scriitori romani sint reunite in acest volum, insotite de un excelent aparat critic si de un indreptar analitic foarte util elevilor.  

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33. Nu doar povestea... - Elena Emilian

Povestiri "Un cuvant a facut lumea asta toata, cuvantul a fost la inceputul inceputurilor, prin el pasind cu totii in vesnicia sensurilor sau dainuind in taramul nemuririi."

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34. Imposibila uitare - Josephine Cox

Considerata una dintre cele mai mari scriitoare britanice contemporane, Josephine Cox evoca scene si personaje din trecut in povestiri captivante, de mare actualitate. Eroina cartii, Bridget Mulligan, desi are un sot fidel si tandru, continua sa fie obsedata de Harry, marea ei iubire. Si cand, in timpul unei furtuni de zapada, cei doi se adapostesc impreuna, vechea lor pasiune se reaprinde. Dupa noua luni de la acest episod se naste un copil. Sfisiata de remuscari, Bridget e hotarata sa-i spuna sotului adevarul, dar marturisirea ei va declansa o tragedie. O poveste emotionanta, in care despartirea, singuratatea, teama si momentele de deznadejde reprezinta pretul platit pentru o pasiune arzatoare ce nu a putut fi inabusita.

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35. On Being Born and Other Difficulties - F. Gonzalez-Crussi

There is no theme more central to human life on earth than birth (unless it is its natural counterpart, death). With a pathologist's trained eye for observation of detail and a style unrivaled in elegance and wit, F. Gonzalez-Crussi, author of The Five Senses, reflects on the largest of topics, those in which science, religion, and philosophy brush most closely together, such as the origin of life in the universe, the complex evolution of human sexuality, and the debate over when the soul is acquired. Drawing on a variety of sources spanning the fields of biology, literature, history, myth, medicine, and philosophy, On Being Born and Other Difficulties surveys a vast field of opinions and theories, contrasting the supremely rational processes by which we evolved on this planet with our irrational and often bizarre attempts to understand them. Gonzalez-Crussi traces millennia of misunderstandings to their sources - Aristotle, Hippocrates, Descartes, Sir Thomas Browne, Cervantes, Rabelais, Maupassant, and Nietzsche, among others - engaging them with precision, humour, and humanity. With its unparalleled depth and insight, On Being Born and Other Difficulties is a profoundly entertaining work of the highest literary calibre.

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