Top 65 Cele mai vândute cărți din 2006

1. Set sonete si contrasonete - Petre Tanasoaica

 Set sonete si contrasonete - Petre Tanasoaica

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2. Machbeth - William Shakespeare

Macbeth este o tragedie scrisa de marele scriitor englez W. Shakespeare, in anul 1606. Prima reprezentatie atestata a avut loc in aprilie 1611, la teatrul Globe. Personajele reale care au inspirat aceasta piesa sunt regii Macbeth, Duff si Duncan mentionati in cronicile Holinshed.

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3. In the Blood: A Memoir of my Childhood - Sir Andrew Motion

In the Blood is Andrew Motion's beautifully written memoir of growing up in post-war England - an unforgettable evocation of family life, school life and country life. It also tells the story of how these worlds are shattered, when his mother suffers a terrible riding accident.   The tragedy shadows the book, feeding its mood of elegy as well as its celebratory vigilance. Written from a teenage child's point of view, without the benefit of adult hindsight, Motion captures the pathos and puzzlement of childhood with great clarity of expression and freshness of memory. We encounter a strange but beguiling extended family, a profound love of the natural world, a troubled schooling, and a growing passion for books and writing.   By turns funny and elegiac, In the Blood is a wonderful picture of a vanishing England, a remarkable insight into a poet's mind, and a deeply moving portrait of the bond between a mother and her son.

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4. At Home With Amy Willcock - Amy Willcock

Most of us love entertaining, but it's often difficult to find imaginative and original dishes for your guests. In this stunning new collection, Amy Willcock brings you 150 easy and delicious recipes for every occasion. There's a dish for every time of year and to suit a wide variety of venues, with chapters on al fresco entertaining, weekend house parties, high days and holidays, formal and informal gatherings. For an original twist on outdoor eating, try an autumn picnic using the finest foods of the season (Figs wrapped in parma ham with gorgonzola, Mushroom and Herb Frittata). Amy also offers a selection of dinner party menus, including the likes of Soup au pistou with Parmesan and salami bread and Roast pork with Calvados gravy and black pudding and apple stuffing. For festive occasions, there are suggestions for drinks parties, with canapes including Goujons of pheasant with aioli and mustard mayonnaise, as well as the traditional Easter and Christmas Day meals (plus choices for vegetarians such as Savoury ricotta strudel). There's advice on cooking for more formal events, such as a buffet before a summer ball (Cold roast beef with creme fraiche, Hot new potatoes with caviar), as well as relaxed teas and suppers at home (Walnut and coffee sponge cake). With simple-to-follow instructions for both Aga and conventional cooking, and beautiful full-colour illustrations throughout, you will never be short of inspiration, whatever the occasion.

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5. The Lay of the Land - Richard Ford

 'Frank Bascombe has earned himself a place beside Willy Loman and Harry Angstrom in our literary landscape, but he has done so with a wry wit and a fin de siecle wisdom that is very much his own.' New York Times Book Review It is fall, 2000 - and in every household and bar across the USA the likely outcome of the hi-jacked Presidential election is being hotly debated. Frank Bascombe, fifty-five, settled in his realty business in Sea-Clift, New Jersey, has arrived at a state of optimistic pragmatism that he calls the Permanent Period of life. Epic mistakes have already been made; dreams downsized, and Frank reflects that now at least there are fewer opportunities left in life to get things wrong. But the tranquility he had anticipated is not to be. Who could have guessed that his second wife Sally would walk out on their apparently happy marriage? Or that, after all these years, he would be spending Thanksgiving dinner with first wife Ann and their two children? That Ann might still, after all, feel for him what he has never quite stopped feeling for her? Life in the Permanent Period proves as ambivalent, precarious and full of possibility as life had ever been. In his third Frank Bascombe novel, after the bestselling The Sportswriter and Independence Day, Richard Ford contemplates the human character with wry precision and luminous prose. Graceful, expansive, filled with pathos but irresistibly funny, The Lay of the Land is a modern American masterpiece.

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6. Tatuaje pe marmura - Adrian Sangeorzan

ADRIAN SANGEORZAN: Daca nu as fi emigrat, nu cred ca m-as fi apucat de scris. ”Apucat” e intamplator cuvatul potrivit, pentru ca scrisul fost ca un o parama de care m-am prins, intr-un moment in care invatasem sa inot destul de bine. Cu scrisul nu cred ca ”scurtcircuitam” distantele, cat timpul. Problema e cu timpul, distantele nu mai conteaza.

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7. Un vis indepartat - Patricia Rice

Personajul principal, Maya Alyssum, este o fire tonica, plina de optimism, in ciuda unei copilarii nefericite. Visul sau este sa deschida o scoala pentru copiii orfani sau abandonati, in care acestia sa se bucure de dragoste si intelegere, sentimente de care ea nu a avut parte. La randul lui, Axell Holm este un barbat realizat material, respectabil, ce duce o viata singuratica si trista dupa decesul sotiei. In plus, comunicarea cu fiica sa de opt ani devinde din ce in ce mai dificila. Dar cand Maya si Axell se intalnesc, niciun obstacol din lume pare sa nu-i mai poata desparti. Cum pot sa ajunga atat de apropriati doi oameni care, in aparenta, se situeaza la poli apusi? Cum pot sa impace realismul, echilibrul si rigoarea cu idealismul, explozia de sentimente si dinamismul, unind doua suflete in care ranile provocate de incercarile vietii nu s-au cicatrizat inca?

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8. Ciociara - Alberto Moravia

Cu tulburatorul roman Ciociara, Alberto Moravia intra nu numai in insasi istoria patriei lui,ci si in istoria contemporana.Maestru incotestabil al descrierii frumusetii sufletesti a oamenilor simpli,el surprinde experientele dure ale celor doua eroine ale cartii, in aspectele lor vitale,adesea cu accente abjecte si umilitoare. Cesira si Rossetta redescopera, dupa infrangeri dureroase, speranta si forta sufleteasca de a lua viata de la capat.

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9. Allergy and Asthma Relief - Autor Anonim

Reader's Digest Health Soluitons    Some might call it an epidemic. As many as 20 million adults suffer from asthma or allergies, or both, and more and more children are affected.The time has come to fight back! Allergy and Asthma Relief featuring the Breathe Easy Plan, is a powerful, effective way to regain control of your life and minimize the discomfort of these disorders.    • Learn the very best way to purge allergens from your home and office • Discover the best nutrients for allergen and asthma resistance • Find out whether you are taking the best medicines available for your unique situation • Explore breathing, exercise and stress-busting techniques for real long-term relief • Choose the right clothes, the right cleaning agents, the right type of vacuum cleaner • Learn what to do if your child shows signs of allergies or asthma   This book can help you to feel better and more confident about taking control of your condition and your life.

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10. Invaluiti de iubire - Janette Oke

Primul roman dintre cele opt ce alcatuiesc seria Invaluiti de iubire. Un roman memorabil despre pierdere si dragoste, conceput in epoca „casutei din prerie“. Marty si Clem, un cuplu de tineri proaspat casatoriti, pornesc spre Vestul Americii pentru a-si face un rost. Fericirea lor e curmata de moartea lui Clem. Pentru ca iarna era aproape si nici o caravana nu se intorcea spre casa decat la primavara, Marty e nevoita sa se casatoreasca conventional cu un vaduv Clark Davis, pentru a face fata situatie. Ea trebuie sa ingrijeasca de fetita barbatului, Missie, care sufera si ea in urma pierderii mamei. Vor mai putea oare cei doi sa gaseasca dragostea? Aparuta pentru prima data in 1979, Invaluiti de iubire a devenit o opera clasica in proza, de inspiratie poetica. O generatie de cititori au ras, au plans si s-au bucurat impreuna cu Marty si Clark Davis pe care imprejurarile tragice i-au izgonit in preriile de frontiera la inceputul secolului al XIX-lea. Mostenirea autoarei Janette Oke a ajuns dincolo de zecile de romane pe care le-a scris sau dincolo de Premiul Christy, de Medalionul de Aur si alte distinctii pe care le-a castigat, sau chiar dincole de tendintele editoriale influentate de succesul sau scriitoricesc. Este cel mai bine reprezentata de miile de scrisori primite de la cititori din intreaga lume, ale caror inimi si minti au fost atinse in mod deosebit de povestirile sale. Totul a inceput de la povestirea Invaluiti de iubire care a deschis seria sa de volume cu doua decenii in urma. Romanul a fost transpus intr-un film original, distribuit de canalul de televiziune Hallmark, in regia lui Michael Landon Jr., O viata noua. Janette Oke s-a nascut in Champion, Alberta, in familia unui fermier si a crescut intr-o familie numeroasa, plina de bucurie si dragoste. Este absolventa a Colegiului Biblic Mountain View din Alberta, locul unde l-a intalnit pe sotul ei, Edward, cu care s-a casatorit in mai 1957. Familia Oke are trei baieti si o fata, toti sunt casatoriti, iar acum se bucura de cei 12 nepoti. Edward si Janette sunt activi in biserica locala din care fac parte. Primul roman scris de autoare a fost Invaluiti de iubire care a fost publicat in 1979. Janette Oke a scris peste 70 de carti, atat pentru adulti cat si pentru copii, din care 32 au fost traduse in paisprezece limbi. Cartile ei s-au vandut in peste 22 de milioane de exemplare.

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11. Din nou acasa - Barbara Delinsky

Celebra autoare de bestselleruri Barbara Delinsky abordeaza in acest ultim roman al sau un subiect indraznet despre atmosfera de ipocrizie, barfa si intoleranta dintr-un orasel american al anilor 2000. Personajul principal, Annie Barnes, este o scriitoare de succes care, de la varsta de 18 ani, s-a stabilit in Washington, unde se simte in largul sau. Dar moartea mamei, in conditii misterioase, si faptul ca Phoebe, sora mai mare, este afectata de aceeasi boala, o obliga sa revina pentru un timp in urbea natala, pentru lamurirea situatiei. Aici este primita cu ostilitate aproape generala de locuitori, care se tem ca Annie ar putea sa scrie o carte despre comunitatea lor inchisa si afectata de mentalitati depasite, asa cum a mai facut-o cu cincizeci de ani in urma o alta scriitoare renumita, intr-un roman ce le-a adus o nedorita faima la nivel national. In plus, investigatiile sale privind cauzele numeroaselor imbolnaviri aparute in oras, in ultimii ani, o expun unor adevarate primejdii. Primeste, insa, ajutor tocmai de acolo de unde se astepta cel mai putin, iar rezultatul cercetarilor sale conduce la castigarea simpatiei intregii comunitati. Si, desi la 18 ani, cand parasise orasul, considerase aceasta ca pe o eliberare, Annie are acum motive serioase sa nu se mai intoarca la Washington. O poveste cu un subiect original, pasionanta, cu personaje bine conturate, cu o actiune desfasurata intr-un ritm sustinut, care cu siguranta ii va cuceri pe cititori. Fragment din roman: "Am prefeat sa-i telefonez mai intii la Washington asistentei lui Greg, care era extrem de versata in toate detaliile de acest fel si care se intimpla sa-mi fie si mie o buna prietena. Aceasta mi-a indicat una dintre liniile telefonice pe care postul de televiziune o utiliza atunci cind era nevoie de discretie absoluta. Daca nu credeti ca acest lucru este o realitate, atunci afiati ca va inselati. Cei din mass-media au tot felul de astfel de atuuri ascunse in mineca. Iar unul dintre cele mai simple asemenea atuuri se refera la efectuarea unor apeluri telefonice imposibil de detectat. Bineinteles ca as fi preferat o cale mai directa, dar circumstantele impuneau ceva mai multa precautie. Cum v-ati simti daca ati fi opriti in mijlocul orasului, pentru ca ati facut ceva ce faceau si toti ceilalti, dintotdeauna, si daca ati mai fi si obligati sa asteptati acolo, destul de mult timp, in vazul tuturor trecatorilor? Oare Marshall Greenwood mi-a verificat intr-adevar in tot acel timp actele? O fi controlat el cu adevarat daca existau cumva eventuale nereguli anterioare comise de mine? Nu, in nici un caz. M-a facut sa astept atit de mult timp doar pentru a ma umili in public. Si daca vreti sa stiti, nici macar nu depaseam de obicei viteza. Asta era pur si simplu un procedeu de a ma intimida. Sa fie aceasta o cale directa? Marshall reprezenta legea, dar ma facea sa ma simt neputincioasa si hartuita. in plus, dintre toate persoanele care stateau si se uitau, nu s-a gasit nici macar una care sa sara in apararea mea. Ba acestea imi erau chiar ostile, si nu, nu aveam citusi de putin mania persecutiei. Alta data, privirile lor erau blinde. In prezent, insa erau foarte mustratoare. Prin purtarea ei rece acum fata de mine, Marylou Walker nu facuse decit sa confirme acest lucru. Le facusem vreun rau vreodata? Nedreptatea situatiei ma infuria. Daca ati simtit vreodata asta, atunci intelegeti de ce am recurs la acel subterfugiu de a da acel telefon — si, intimplator, n-am fost nevoita sa mint nici macar in privinta identitatii mele. M-am prezentat drept o romanciera care se documenta in legatura cu poluarea cu mercur, pentru o viitoare carte, si teoretic vorbind acesta era si adevarul. Desi deocamdata nu aveam de gind sa scriu o carte despre Middle River, cine stie daca, dupa scrierea urmatoarei carti pe care o aveam in plan, nu i-ar fi venit cumva si acesteia rIndul. Femeia de la DSMNH care mi-a raspuns la telefon nu m-a intrebat nici macar cum ma chema. increzatoare si nevinovata, m-a intrebat doar ce anume voiam sa aflu. "

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12. The Birthdays - Heidi Pitlor

The Millers, an ordinary American family, are travelling to a small island off the coast off Maine where they will celebrate their father's 75th birthday. All three adult children are expecting children of their own and at the same time, find themselves at major crossroads in their lives. Eldest son Daniel, a graphic designer, is still reeling from the car accident a year ago that left him paraplegic. Jake, the middle child, has found wealth and success but feels increasingly irrelevant to his wife, especially since she has found out she's carrying twins. Hilary, the free-spirit, youngest daughter, and apple of her father's eye, does not know who the father of her child is. Finally, their mother, Ellen, has recently become attached to the husband of her dead friend. As the Miller family gathers, an unexpected incident shatters the celebrations and it seems that nobody will emerge quite the same. Written with great emotional and psychological insight, "The Birthdays" is a journey into the harrowing and redemptive heart of family life. This story of marriage and impending parenthood is certain to establish Heidi Pitlor as a rare new voice in literary fiction.

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13. Sperante regasite - Luanne Rice

Apreciata autoare Luanne Rice reia in romanul de fata tema din bestsellerul O vara de neuitat, intr-un registru usor diferit, dar perceput la fel de intens de catre cititori. Se stie ca nicicand singuratatea nu e mai apasatoare decat in preajma si in timpul sarbatorilor, cind totul iti aminteste de momentele traite alaturi de cei dragi, plecati ireversibil pe alte taramuri. Christy Byrne si Catherine Tierney sunt doi oameni marcati puternic de un trecut sumbru si trist. Dar un incident la care asista Catherine va crea o punte neasteptata intre ei, redandu-le speranta intr-o perspectiva la care nu mai visau. O poveste impresionanta si tonica in acelasi timp, despre puterea de a depasi momentele grele ale vietii, cand crezi ca totul este pierdut, si de a te mobiliza in lupta pentru regasirea drumului spre fericire.

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14. Ibricul de cafea - Theophile Gautier

Reprezentant de frunte al romantismului, scriitorul francez Theophile Gautier  (1811-1872) s-a remarcat odata cu aparitia romanului epistolar  Mademoiselle de Maupin  (1835), in a carui prefata a dezvoltat teoria "artei pentru arta". Este autorul bine-cunoscutului roman de aventuri  Capitanul Fracasse  (1863), dar si al unor povestiri fantastice care au exercitat o puternica influenta asupra romanticilor germani.

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15. A 2-a sansa - James Patterson

Uciderea brutala a unei fetite si a unei batrane de culoare este considerata la inceput opera unui grup rasist, si cele doua omoruri nu par sa aiba in comun decat sadismul cu care au fost comise. Detectivul Lindsay Boxer simte ca la mijloc e mai mult de atat si cheama din nou in ajutor clubul fetelor de la Crime. Moartea a inca doi reprezentanti ai legii le confirma suspiciunile ca ucigasul urmareste ceva mult mai profund decat simpla razbunare. Ultima solutie pentru oprirea sirului de crime pare sa fie intinderea unei capcane careia criminalul sa nu ii poata rezista. Insa un singur pas gresit poate avea consecinte fatale, iar clubul celor patru risca sa nu mai aiba... o a doua sansa.

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16. Spice - Denis Buican

Spice. Poeme vechi si noi Denis Buican (Dumitru Buican-Peligrad) s-a nascut la Bucuresti pe 21 decembrie 1934. A fost naturalizat francez - cu titlu exceptional - in anul 1972. Biolog si istoric al stiintelor, in prezent este profesor universitar onorific in Paris. Cenzurat in tara sa, debuteaza in Franta cu poeme publicate de catre Maurice Nadeau in Lettres nouvelles. I-au aparut trei culegeri de versuri: Arbore Singur (Pierre-Jean Oswald), Lumina Oarba (Saint-Germain-des-Pres) si Mamura (Demiurg). L-am citit (volumul de poeme Arbore Singur - n.n.) cu atat mai mult interes cu cat am multa stima, cum desigur stiti, pentru literatura si cultura romana. De altfel, am regasit in el aceasta nevoie de rigoare si aceasta forta sugestiva definitorie pentru creativitatea poporului dumneavoastra. - Leopold Sedar Senghor Poemele va sunt pline de vise cosmogonice, corectate de obsesii funebre. Prefer cu mult culegerea de fata celei precedente. Dupa mine, Arbore Singur nu era destul de sumbru. Lumina Oarba, dimpotriva, se deschide asupra unei lumi care-mi este familiara. - Emil Cioran

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17. Baby Animals: Bright Baby Touch and Feel

Colorful pictures of baby animals, rhyming text to read aloud, and touch & feel textures make this book perfect for you and your bright baby.

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18. Capcaunul - Jacques Chessex

• Autor distins cu Premiul Goncourt pentru literatura O poveste in care se deruleaza firul unei vieti devorate de un capcaun tiranic,ce a furat placerea de a trai fiului sau si i-a excerbat temerile. Un asemenea tata nu moare niciodata....

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19. Iona - Marin Sorescu

Omul isi depaseste tragica nelibertate, cand are curajul de a o privi in fata. Tragedia lui Iona dureaza atata timp cat crede ca raul, absurditatea se afla in afara: revolta lui capata sens cand invata sa se cunoasca. Gestul final al eroului nu e o sinucidere (fiindca el nu se batut: intoarcerea cutitului impotriva-si trebuie interpretata simbolic!), ci o salvare. Singura salvare care inseamna ca lupta continua si dupa ce conditia tragica a fost asumata. Sinucidere ar fi fost asumarea esecului. Cum sa nu se vada cat de imensa, de coplesitoare, ca o iluminare nascuta din miezul fiintei, este bucuria cu care Iona isi spune cele din urma cuvinte de incurajare, inainte de a infrunta, inca o data, destinul? „Gata Iona? (Isi spinteca burta.) Razbim noi cumva la Adevarata maretie a lui Iona este a fi luat cunostinta de sine, de forta sa: de aici inainte, el va putea fi ucis, dar nu infrant. Nicolae MANOLESCU Fragment din "Iona" de Marin Sorescu "— (Meditativ.) Afara... (Rectificand primul gand.) Un astfel de loc trebuie totusi sa existe. Poate nu prea mare, sa incapi tot... Dar asa, macar cat a-ti intipari talpile in el. Pentru o clipa. Apoi sa vina altul cu talpile lui arse de noapte. Si altul. Trebuie sa fie pe undeva aceasta palma de loc... — (Ironic.) E o proorocire? Ce prooroc ai mai fost si tu! Viitorul am vazut ce bine ti l-ai ghicit. Ia incearca acum sa prezici trecutul. Sa vedem dac-o nimeresti macar cu asta, proorocule! Incearca sa-ti amintesti totul. (Isi acopera cu mainile fata, sta asa cateva clipe, da din cap ca nu poate.) E ceata! — Incearca sa-ti amintesti macar ceva. (Acelasi joc.) Ce ceata! (Ingrozit.) Nu-mi aduc aminte nici o limba-n vant. (Pauza.) — (Cu mana streasina la ochi.) Cum se numeau batranii aceia buni, care tot veneau pe la noi cand eram mic? Dar ceilalti doi, barbatul cel incruntat si femeia cea harnica, pe care-i vedeam des prin casa noastra si care la inceput parca nu erau asa batrani? Cum se numea cladirea aceea in care-am invatat eu? Cum se numeau lucrurile pe care le-am invatat eu? Ce nume purta povestea aia cu patru picioare, pe care mancam si beam si pe care am si jucat de vreo cateva ori? In fiecare zi vedeam pe cer ceva rotund, semana cu o roata rosie, si se tot rostogolea numai intr-o singura parte - cum se numea? Cum se numea dracia aceea frumoasa si minunata si nenorocita si caraghioasa, formata de ani, pe care am trait-o eu? Cum ma numeam eu? (Pauza.) — (Iluminat, deodata) Iona — (Strigand) Ionaaa! "

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20. Mozart, Sunt Eu - Max Geneve

Poti sa fii nebun dupa Mozart. Este cazul lui Cornelius Pappano, care preda muzicologia la Sorbona si lucreaza la o biografie a compozitorului. El are in vedere mai ales ultimii ani ai lui Mozart la Viena: problemele cu banii, dispretul Curtii, raceala publicului il chinuie tocmai cand geniu lui muzical atinge inaltimile. In timpul unui colocviu de la Budapesta, Pappano se indragosteste de o colega al carui eseu despre moartea lui Mozart trezeste polemicile. Mai ales in plin festival, la Salzburg, cu ocazia celei de a 250 comemorari de la nasterea lui Wolfganag. Cu virtuozitate, eruditie si umor, Max Geneve (Premiul Carti si Muzica, Deauville 2005, pentru Violonistul) tese, intre prezentul muzicologului si vremea lui Mozart, o aventura pe cat de neasteptata, pe atat de pasionanta.

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21. American Prometheus - Kai Bird

American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer J. Robert Oppenheimer is one of the iconic figures of the twentieth century, a brilliant physicist who led the effort to build the atomic bomb for his country in a time of war, and who later found himself confronting the moral consequences of scientific progress. In this magisterial, acclaimed biography twenty-five years in the making, Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin capture Oppenheimer's life and times, from his early career to his central role in the Cold War. This is biography and history at its finest, riveting and deeply informative.

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22. Colectionarul de insule - Horia Arama

Neputand fi comparata cu vreo lucrare din bibliografia nationala, ea va ramane totusi ca prima istorie de la noi a genului [...] Avem in Colectionarul de insule o excelenta istorie a utopiei din interior, iar in Horia Arama subtitlul ei explorator. - Mihai Dinu Gheorghiu

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23. Lumini pe zapada - Anita Shreve

Ce formeaza o familie? Iata ce se intreaba Nicky Dillon, o fetita de doisprezece ani, dupa ce, impreuna cu tatal ei vaduv, descopera un bebelus abandonat in padurea acoperita de zapada, langa casa lor din new Hampshire. Pe parcursul zilelor care urmeaza, familia Dillon, impreuna cu vizitatoarea neasteptata care apare la usa-o tanara evident bantuita de alegerile nefericite pe care le-a facut-are de luat o multime de decizii, fiecare putand aduce suferinta sau eliberare. Scriind cu toata vibratia emotionala care a fascinat milioane de cititori din intreaga lume, Anita Shreve creeaza aici un roman induiosator si surprinzator despre dragoste si consecintele sale.

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24. Vise paralele - Luis Garcia Jambrina

In aceasta antologie de povestiri, profesorul, criticul literar si scriitorul spaniol Luis Garcia Jambrina inlesneste celor amatori de literatura fantastica accesul la „materia livresca“ aflata la granita dintre real si imaginar. Desi fiecare povestire se desfasoara aparent in alt loc, cu alte personaje si cu o intriga inedita, fiecare isi va putea recunoaste vechile pasiuni, obsesii si nedumeriri.

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25. Ancient Rome and Pompeii. A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13 - Mary Pope Osborne , Natalie Pope Boyce

Ancient Rome and Pompeii. A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #13. Vacation Under the Volcano When Jack and Annie got back from their adventure in Magic Tree House #13: Vacation Under the Volcano, they had lots of questions. How did ancient Rome become an emipre? Where did ancient Romans go for fun? What happened to the Roman town of Pompeii? What have we learned from it? Find out the answers to these questions and more as Jack and Annie track the facts. Filled with up-to-date information, photos, illustrations, and fun tidbits from Jack and Annie, the Magic Tree House Fact Trackers are the perfect way for kids to find out more about the topics they discovered in their favorite Magic Tree House adventures. And teachers can use Fact Trackers alongside their Magic Tree House fiction companions to meet common core text pairing needs.

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26. Ciudata normalitate - Maria Onaca

Ei bine, Maria Onaca scrie poezie, si scrie de cand se stie ea, pentru ca a simtit ca a te exprima in versuri este una dintre cele mai sigure terapii impotriva tristetilor de tot felul si impotriva Impotmolirilor cu care viata este obisnuita sa garniseasca pe orice muritor. A rezultat, astfel, un fel de jurnal aproape zilnic, redactat sub canonul poeziei cu o silnicie devenita obicei, dar fara prejudecati de valoare tocmai pentru ca finalitatea si destinul unui asemenea demers nu aveau nici o legatura cu intentia vreunei iesiri in public intr-un viitor previzibil. - Mircea Brenciu, membru al Uniunii Scriitorilor din Romania, "Ciudata normalitate a unui debut"

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27. Demonul meu. Laurii poeziei - Mihail Lermontov

Demonul meu face partea din colectia  Laurii poeziei, o colectie deosebita care contine carticele de mici dimensiuni (115 x 80 mm), avand copertile din piele ecologica, cartonate si buretate.

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28. Invitatie la dans - Luanne Rice

Luanne Rice este autoarea a opt bestselleruri, toate plasate pe primele locuri in topurile New York Times. Protagonistii acestui ultim roman al sau sunt doi oameni cu care soarta a fost nemiloasa. Drumurile li se intersecteaza in oraselul natal Rhode Island. Nu peste mult timp, cei doi vor simti o puternica atractie reciproca. Dincolo de minciuni, deceptii si suferinta, ei vor descoperi sansa unei vieti noi, la care nu mai sperau. Insa, un teribil secret pe care Jane il poarta in suflet, ii impune acesteia anumite rezerve in relatia cu Dylan. Ea hotaraste in cele din urma sa-i dezvaluie apasatoarea taina, numai ca, datorita unei intimplari, barbatul afla adevarul. Dintr-o data, totul se naruie. Orgoliile se dovedesc a fi mai puternice decit dragostea si decit suferintele provocate de socul despartirii. Si, totusi… O poveste emotionanta despre farmecul regasirii, bucuria iertarii si miracolul intilnirii sufletului pereche. Fragment din roman: "Unchiul Dylan o ridicase. Parintii ei aparusera apoi in spatele lui, iar tatal ei il batuse usor pe umar, in timp ce mama ei o luase pe Chloe in brate. Isi aducea aminte de niste soapte grabite, de un sentiment de rusine, ca si cum ar fi ranit intr-un anume fel sentimentele mamei ei. Ea intelesese, de fapt, ca Chloe facea legatura cu cealalta fiinta care disparuse din viata sa, cu adevarata mama a lui Chloe, cea care o abandonase. Incepind de atunci, unchiul Dylan nu-si mai rasese barba niciodata. O tundea si arata tare bine; era grizonata. Dar n-o mai rasese, iar Chloe stia foarte bine care era motivul: pentru ca fusese mingiiata de catre Isabel. Chloe stia pur si simplu; nu fusese nevoie sa afle de la unchiul Dylan. Isabel ii sarutase fata aceea tepoasa, iar unchiul Dylan hotarise sa nu se mai barbiereasca niciodata. Asta era, de fapt, dragostea cea adevarata. Alergind in casa pentru a se schimba in salopeta de serviciu, Chloe simti cum inima ii batea cu putere. Se spala, linistindu-se in timp ce isi clatea fata cu apa limpede de primavara, frecind-o cu clabucii de sapun albi si moi. Privi atent ochii aceia albastri, ce o fixau de dincolo de oglinda. Se gindi ca daca ar ramine asa pentru multa vreme, ar reusi sa vada figura mamei ei adevarate, ca apoi s-o intrebe de ce, cum oare... Isi clati fata, iar apoi o porni spre masina, o dubita noua-nouta, ce stralucea de curatenie. Tatal ei o spala in fiecare simbata, mama ei punea in functiune, aproape in fiecare duminica, aspiratorul portabil, pentru ca masina sa arate intotdeauna impecabil. Certurile secrete, petrecute "cu usile inchise", erau uneori ingrozitoare, dar bunurile lor aratau mereu impecabil. Totul parea sa aiba legatura cu faptul ca mama sa prefera sa aibe acele rasaduri ordonate de panselute in locul livezii imense, cu arbori nou-nascuti in devalmasie. Iar Chloe adora pur si simplu natura virgina si salbatica, dorindu-si sa se piarda in adancul ei. Oare ce cauta ea in mijlocul acestei familii? "

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29. Poezii alese. Laurii poeziei - Wislawa Szymborska

Poezii alese face partea din colectia Laurii poeziei, o colectie deosebita care contine carticele de mici dimensiuni (115 x 80 mm), avand copertile din piele ecologica, cartonate si buretate.

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30. Kokoro - Natsume Soseki

Rich in understanding and insight. - The New Yorker   What is love, and what is friendship? What is the extent of our responsibility to ourselves and to others? Kokoro, signifying the heart of things, examines these age-old questions in terms of the modern world. A trilogy of stories that explores the very essence of loneliness, "Kokoro" opens with "Sensei and I", in which the narrator recounts his relationship with an intellectual who dwells in isolation but maintains a sophisticated worldview. "My Parents and I" brings the reader into the narrator's family circle, and "Sensei and His Testament" features the eponymous character's explanation of how he came to live a life of solitude.   Natsume Soseki (1867-1916), perhaps the greatest novelist of the Meiji period, remains one of Japan's most widely read authors. He wrote this novel in 1914, at the peak of his career, and it remains an excellent introduction to modern Japanese literature.

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31. Poems - George Herbert

In this series, a contemporary poet selects and introduces a poet of the past. By their choice of poems and by the personal and critical reactions they express in their prefaces, the editors offer insights into their own work as well as providing an accessible and passionate introduction to some of the greatest poets of our literature.   George Herbert (1593-1633) was educated at Westminster School and Trinity College, Cambridge, where he was appointed Reader in Rhetoric in 1618 and Public Orator in 1620. He was a Greek and Latin scholar, was fluent in modern languages and an accomplished musician. In 1626 he resigned his seat in parliament and took holy orders, becoming Rector of Bemerton, a tiny rural parish on Salisbury Plain, in 1630. The Temple, Herbert's great structure of poems from which the present selection is drawn, first appeared in 1633, the year of his death.

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32. Draculestii: Colanul Ordinului - G.G. Vlad

 Al doilea roman din ciclul "Draculestilor", Colanul ordinului trateaza perioada 1496-1499 din istoria tarilor romane, culminand cu lupta de la Codrii Cosminului si Tratatul de pace de la Harlau (1499), moment de varf al diplomatiei Moldovei lui Stefan cel Mare. Apar o serie de personaje noi, care vor insufleti si povestea celui de-al treilea roman al ciclului, Draculestii - Mantia Rosie. La fel de bine documentat ca primul volum Sabia Ordinului, Colanul Ordinului este atat o invitatie pentru cititor de a privi dincolo de randurile seci ale manualelor de istorie, cat si o frumoasa poveste de dragoste   Roman istoric, politic, de aventuri, de dragoste, reverberand din secolul XVI pana in zilele noastre.

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33. A History of Us - Joy Hakim

A History of Us. An Age of Extremes : 1880-1917  Recommended by the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy as an exemplary informational text.   For the captains of industry men like Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, J. P. Morgan, and Henry Ford the Gilded Age is a time of big money. Technology boomed with the invention of trains, telephones, electric lights, harvesters, vacuum cleaners, and more. But for millions of immigrant workers, it is a time of big struggles, with adults and children alike working 12 to 14 hours a day under extreme, dangerous conditions. The disparity between the rich and the poor was dismaying, which prompted some people to action. In An Age of Extremes, you'll meet Mother Jones, Ida Tarbell, Big Bill Haywood, Sam Gompers, and other movers and shakers, and get swept up in the enthusiasm of Teddy Roosevelt. You'll also watch the United States take its greatest role on the world stage since the Revolution, as it enters the bloody battlefields of Europe in World War I.   About the Series: Master storyteller Joy Hakim has excited millions of young minds with the great drama of American history in her award-winning series A History of US. Recommended by the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts and Literacy as an exemplary informational text, A History of US weaves together exciting stories that bring American history to life. Hailed by reviewers, historians, educators, and parents for its exciting, thought-provoking narrative, the books have been recognized as a break-through tool in teaching history and critical reading skills to young people. In ten books that span from Prehistory to the 21st century, young people will never think of American history as boring again.

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34. The Book Of Hymns - Martin Manser

The Wordsworth Book of Hymns is a fresh anthology of favourite hymns. This inspiring selection has such time-honoured favourites as the harvest - 'We plough the fields and scatter', the Christmas 'O come all ye faithful', as well as hymns suitable for weddings - 'Love divine, all loves excelling' and even funerals - 'The Lord's my Shepherd'. Hymns have always played a significant role in our cultural heritage and this new selection is ideal for use both in planning services and also personal devotion.

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35. 30 de secunde - Bettina Giancana , Sam Giancana

Citind acest roman palpitant, ai impresia ca John Grisham si-a dat intalnire cu Mario Puzo pentru a crea o carte de exceptie, pe care multi cititori americani afirma ca au lecturat-o cu sufletul la gura. Fiu al unui mare sef mafiot din Chicago si, drept urmare, un bun cunoscator al lumii interlope, Sam Giancana, impreuna cu sotia sa, Bettina, au reusit un imens succes cu volumul de fata. Subiectul acestuia, poate mai actual ca niciodata, face sa ii creasca cititorului adrenalina, facandu-l sa se intrebe unde se afla limita dintre fictiune si realitate. Se poate afirma ca Marty Inglesia, personajul principal, a fost realizat exact dupa modelul barbatului care l-a creat: ca si autorul, el este descendentul unui nas de temut, ce incearca, fara a reusi, sa rupa firele prin care destinul l-a legat pe veci de inspaimantatoarea organizatie terorista a comunitatii italiene din orasul sau natal. Un roman extraordinar, alert si dinamic – o actiune de neuitat. Ce lectura ofera 30 de secunde! In romanul sotilor Giancana aveti parte numai de surprize. Savurati-l! - New York Daily News   Un thriller plin de suspans, scris de autori care stiu cum sa dezvolte intriga pas cu pas. - Associated Press

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36. La doi pasi de fericire - Alexei Marinat

La doi pasi de fericire. Povestiri umoristice Are Alexei Marinat o nuvela - Femeia care vede prin perete. Un element deosebit de pretios al acestei lucrari de numai cateva pagini este surpriza cea mai autentica, ce o intampina cititorul la lectura, si anume faptul ca nu e vorba de vreo insusire supranaturala a femeii in cauza, ci de lucrul prost al constructorilor care nu astupasera de nadejde gaurile dintre pereti si pervazul ferestrei. Viata insasi ii pune scriitorului la indemana cele mai neasteptate situatii, lui ramanandu-i sa se priceapa a le explora literar, dupa cum apa marii face giuvaier dintr-o pietricica, fie cu totul ordinara si informa la inceput... - Ion Ciocanu

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37. Refugiati in paradis - Patricia Rice

Un barbat, Clay McCloud, si o femeie, Aurora Jenkins, dezamagiti de ceea ce le-a oferit viata, isi interescteaza destinele pe o insula de o frumusete fara seaman, situata in largul coastelor americane. Angajati intr-un proiect de salvare al acestui adevarat colt de rai de la un dezastru ecologic, cei doi realizeaza cat sunt de diferiti dar si ce atractie irezistibila pune stapanire pe ei. In plus, se pare ca soarta incepe sa-si intoarca fata spre ei. Desi rebelul Clay si-a impus o anumita conduita in relatiile cu femeile de genul Aurorei, el nu poate face abstractie de faptul ca regulile exista pentru a fi incalcate...

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38. Enemy Coast Ahead Uncensored - Guy Gibson

First published in 1944, Enemy Coast Ahead combines Guy Gibson's RAF career, including the famous Dambuster raid which he himself led, with the inside story of life in RAF Bomber Command and is still a riveting read for the immediacy and vibrancy of its writing. And yet, what has not been widely known is that the published edition of Enemy Coast Ahead was carefully cut by wartime censors.   Now, Gibson's original manuscript, which was archived for almost 75 years, has been be brought to light. This uncut edition provides not only previously unpublished details of Gibson's career, but also reveals his true view of the course of the war, of the wartime population, of his pilots and crews and of Bomber Command tactics. Combined with newly added photographs and diagrams Enemy Coast Ahead-Uncensored remains one of the outstanding accounts of WWII seen through the eyes of one of its most respected and controversial personalities, and allows the reader to know Gibson's own story through his own words.

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39. Software Estimation. Demystifying the Black Art - Steve Mcconnell

Often referred to as the "black art" because of its complexity and uncertainty, software estimation is not as difficult or puzzling as people think. In fact, generating accurate estimates is straightforward, once you understand the art of creating them. In his highly anticipated book, acclaimed author Steve McConnell unravels the mystery to successful software estimation, distilling academic information and real-world experience into a practical guide for working software professionals. Instead of arcane treatises and rigid modeling techniques, this guide highlights a proven set of procedures, understandable formulas, and heuristics that individuals and development teams can apply to their projects to help achieve estimation proficiency. Discover how to: • Estimate schedule and cost or estimate the functionality that can be delivered within a given time frame • Avoid common software estimation mistakes • Learn estimation techniques for you, your team, and your organization • Estimate specific project activities: including development, management, and defect correction • Apply estimation approaches to any type of project, small or large, agile or traditional • Navigate the shark-infested political waters that surround project estimates • When many corporate software projects are failing, McConnell shows you what works for successful software estimation.

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40. Born to Kvetch - Michael Wex

From The Three Stooges to Seinfeld, Born to Kvetch is a smart and witty portrait of Yiddish and its relationship to both Jewish culture and American life. An earthy romp through the lingua franca of Jews.... This treasure trove of linguistics, sociology, history and folklore offers a fascinating look at how, through the centuries, a unique and enduring language has reflected an equally unique and enduring culture. - Publishers Weekly, starred review The main spoken language of the Jews for more than 1,000 years, Yiddish offers a comprehensive picture of the mind-set that enabled them to survive a millennium of unrelenting persecution across Europe. Through the idioms, phrases, metaphors, and fascinating history of this wonderful tongue, Michael Wex gives us a moving and inspiring portrait of a people, and a language, in exile.

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41. Your Body Speaks Your Mind - Debbie Shapiro

 We all know how we cry tears when we are sad, or get butterflies in our stomach when we are nervous. These are simple connections between the mind and the body that are easy for us to understand. But what about the bigger issues, when the body gets ill, diseased, or damaged?   Now with Your Body Speaks Your Mind, Deb Shapiro-author of The Body Mind Workbook and Unconditional Love-shows you a practical way to learn the language of your body so you can understand how your thoughts and feelings directly affect your physical health.   The body shows us what we are unconsciously ignoring,denying,or repressing, she says. With her breakthrough book, readers learn:   A system-by-system guide to your body that reveals what it is telling you about yourself * A cross-referenced index of symptomatic illnesses, from headaches to pneumonia, and the emotional imbalances they symbolize * Creative visualization and meditation techniques on CD to enhance your ability to listen to, communicate with, and heal your body, and more Healing is a continual journey-one of embracing ourselves ever more deeply, explains Deb Shapiro. Your Body Speaks Your Mind takes you on that journey, deepening your relationship with your own mind and body. Revised and updated UK bestseller.    

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42. Omul dintai - Dan Moruzi

Adunand o experienta care include tineretea si maturitatea, cartea lui Dan Moruzi este opera unei naturi reflexive prin excelenta, a unui sceptic care cunoaste viata si incearca sa-i descifreze sensurile fundamentale. «Omul dintai» e o meditatie care incearca sa ne scoata din ritmul nebun al vietii de zi cu zi si sa ne indemne sa gandim la iubire, viata, moarte, timp, adica la noi insine. - Andrei Bodiu in prefata volumului Haina sacra a „omului dintai” este experienta starii de poezie. In prezentul continuu, viata din noi conecteaza pe omul dintai cu cel actual si cel de pe urma. Gabriel Stan - editorul si ilustratorul volumului           Fragment:                     “IOV        De veghe stand mereu, cu mintea treaza,     Atent sa arda propria-ti faclie,     Stiai cum esti dar nu si ce urmeaza;     Nu tu ai hotarat ce-a fost sa fie.        Cu itele-ncurcate alandala,     Cand te credeai mai drept la tine-n prag,     Te-ajunse saracia, apoi boala,     Iar moartea ti-a cules ce-aveai mai drag.        Neacceptand impotrivirea firii,     Azi port ca tine arma infruntarii     Si nu stiu daca-i scara mantuirii.        Strangand din dinti spre capatul rabdarii,     imbarbatat de gandul izbandirii     Urc, nazuind miracolul schimbarii.”  

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43. Discipline: The Glad Surrender - Elisabeth Elliot

In our age of instant gratification and if-it-feels-good-do-it attitudes, self-discipline is hardly a popular notion. Former missionary and beloved author Elisabeth Elliot offers her understanding of discipline and its value for modern people.   Now repackaged for the next generation of Christians, Discipline: The Glad Surrender shows readers how to: -discipline the mind, body, possessions, time, and feelings -overcome anxiety -change poor habits and attitudes -trust God in times of trial and hardship -let Christ have control in all areas of life   Elliot masterfully and gently takes readers through Scripture, personal stories, and lovely observations of the world around her in order to help them discover the understanding that our fulfillment as human beings depends on our answer to God's call to obedience.

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44. Dragonslayer. Bone #4 - Jeff Smith

Dragonslayer is the 4th book in the Bone Series. Bone confronts a host of dangers in Book 4 of the Bone saga, 'The Dragonslayer'. He and Gran'ma Ben and Thorn have a terrifying encounter with Kingdok, ruler of the rat creatures. The Hooded One is inciting his army to full-scale war. Someone is continuing to haunt Thorn in her dreams. And then wise Gran'ma Ben disappears.

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45. Sa nu ma parasesti - Kazuo Ishiguro

• Autor distins cu Premiul Nobel pentru literatura Tragic, emotionant, tensionat si cu un final surprinzator, Sa nu ma parasesti este unul dintre cele mai bune romane al lui Ishiguro, nominalizat la Booker Prize, National Book Critic Circle Award si Arthur C. Clarke Award si inclus pe lista celor mai bune carti ale anului in The New York Times, Publishers Weekly si in numeroase alte reviste prestigioase.   Katie H. este educatoare. Slujba ei este aceea de a-i ajuta pe copiii-clone sa creada ca, in institutia de la Hailsham, intre vizionarile de scene erotice din filme si joaca, intre colectiile de reviste sau carti si iazul cu rate, ei vor uita adevaratul si unicul motiv al existentei lor, acela de a dona organe. In scurta lor viata, care se intinde pret de un numar limitat de donatii, ei asteapta plini de speranta ziua cind vor avea parte de libertatea din spatele gardului de sirma ghimpata si cind vor inceta sa mai fie simple some, corpuri cultivate pentru piese de schimb. Fragment din cartea "Sa nu ma parasesti" de Kazuo Ishiguro "Lucrurile pe care le-a spus Ruth atunci, in dormitor, dupa ce se daduse stingerea, despre cum Tommy si-a provocat singur toate problemele, probabil ca rezumau parerea majoritatii celor de la Hailsham. Dar abia in clipa in care am auzit-o spunind-o, intinsa in pat, mi-am dat seama ca ideea asta, cum ca el nu vrea deloc sa-si dea silinta si ca o face in mod deliberat, circula inca de pe vremea cind eram Juniori. Si am avut o revelatie brusca, care mi-a dat flori pe sira spinarii: Tommy trecea prin toate astea nu doar de citeva saptamini sau luni, ci de ani intregi.  Vorbisem cu el despre toate astea cu putin timp in urma si, din cite isi amintea el, propria istorisire despre modul in care incepusera necazurile lui mi-a confirmat ce simtisem in noaptea aceea. Dupa parerea lui, totul incepuse intr-o dupa-amiaza, la una din orele de arta ale lui Miss Geraldine. Pina in ziua respectiva, mi-a spus Tommy, il placuse intotdeauna sa picteze. Dar in ziua aceea, la ora lui Miss Geraldine, Tommy facuse o acuarela cu un elefant care statea intr-un lan de iarba inalta si de aici a inceput totul. Dupa spusele lui, o facuse pur si simplu din amuzament. L-am batut la cap foarte tare in legatura cu subiectul asta si cred ca adevarul e ca fusese un lucru ca atitea altele pe care le faci la virsta respectiva: nu ai un motiv anume, ci pur si simplu le faci. Le faci fiindca te gandesti ca o sa faci lumea sa rida sau pentru ca vrei sa vezi daca o sa stirnesti vreo reactie. Si apoi, cind ti se cere sa explici ce-ai vrut sa faci, habar n-ai ce sa sput. Cu totii am facut asemenea lucruri. Tommy nu a spus asta, dar sint sigura ca asa a fost.  Oricum si-a facut elefantul, care era exact genul de desen pe care te astepti sa-l faca un copil cu trei ani mai mic. I-a luat doar douazeci de minute si a obtinut cu el risul scontat. Insa n-a fost tocmai cum se asteptase. Chiar si asa, totul se putea termina acolo - si cred ca aici ironia sortii e cit se poate de vizibila - daca in ziua respectiva n-am fi avut ora cu Miss Geraldine."

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46. At the Zoo: Bright Baby Touch and Feel

Cute pictures of animals, rhyming text to read aloud, and touch & feel textures make this book perfect for you and your bright baby.

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47. Pasarea singuratatii - Claudiu Voda

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48. Stapan iubit - Rosa Montero

Un roman despre putere, dar o putere scrisa cu minuscule, o putere cotidiana si perfect recognoscibila: cea exercitata de angajatori si suportata de angajati, o putere rizibila care se masoara in metri de birou sau ia in consideratie de cate ori s-a oprit seful sa schimbe o vorba cu tine. Casar Miranda, protagonistul acestei povesti, este un individ aflat intr-o perioada critica a vietii, care incearca sa supravietuiasca furtunii si chinurilor provocate de concurenta acerba si de presiunea unei structuri corporatiste opresive. Iar peripetiile sale profesionale si sentimentale vor dezvalui portretul implacabil si totusi amuzant al societatii absurde in care traim.

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49. Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Poet to Poet - James Fenton , Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Edited by James Fenton In this series, a contemporary poet selects and introduces a poet of the past. By their choice of poems and by the personal and critical reactions they express in their prefaces, the editors offer insights into their own work as well as providing an accessible and passionate introduction to the most important poets in our literature.   Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772-1834) was born in Ottery St Mary, Devon, the youngest son of a clergyman. He was educated at Christ's Hospital School, London where he began his friendship with Charles Lamb, and Jesus College, Cambridge. He first met Dorothy and William Wordsworth in 1797 and a close association developed between them, issuing in their groundbreaking joint-publication, Lyrical Ballads, in 1799. Coleridge subsequently settled in the Lake District, and thereafter in London, where he lectured on Shakespeare and published his literary and philosophical theories in the Biographia Literaria (1817). He died in 1834 having overseen a final edition of his Poetical Works. As poet, philosopher and critic, Coleridge stands as one of the seminal figures of his time.

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50. Poezii inedite - Marin Sorescu

Volumul de fata - nu vom infiripa aici o exegeza - se constituie in mare parte din texte poetice inedite, razlete, in timp, scrise in tara si in diversele lui calatorii in afara; din cateva poeme in vers eterometric (ele putand intra in volumul al VII-lea al epopeii sale La Lilieci) cum, si dintr-un grupaj de sonete editate si reluate de noi, unele in variante, sonete scrise mai tarziu, in perioade critice (v. succesivele atacuri si inscenari, voindu-se o rastalmacire a operei si afectarea conditiei subiective). Poeziile inedite, cateva scrise "in fuga", "pe genunchi", au fost publicate de istoricul si criticul literar Florea Firan in revista Scrisul Romanesc (2003-2006).   

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51. Exclusa si stigmatizata - Luigi Pirandello

Exclusa si stigmatizata.Cui ii vine radul? de Luigi Pirandello • Autor distins cu Premiul Nobel pentru literatura    Pirandello se inscrie... printre creatorii eroului contemporan ca dimensiuni psihologice si morale. ... Alaturi de Unamuno, Proust si Joyce, Pirandello a sondat, in primele decenii ale veacului nostru, in adancul sufletului omenesc, distrugand mitul fals al unitatii lui psihice si morale... - Ileana Berlogea Fragment din cartea “Exclusa si stigmatizata” de Luigi Pirandello:   "Un alt pumn de noroi. Iarasi persecutie, de departe. Iarasi calomnii si mojicii. Marta se ridica de pe scaun, tremurand de manie si de dispret, cu ochii fulgerand de ura. Nevinovata, deoarece s-a aparat cu lipsa ei de experienta de o ispita, in ciuda dovezii infidelitatii ei: drept rasplata, infamia; drept rasplata, condamnarea oarba din partea tatalui! si toate consecintele acesteia considerate apoi drept o vina a ei: dezechilibrul material, ruina, mizeria, viitorul distrus al surorii: si apoi din nou infamia, ultragiul public al unei muItimi intregi lipsita de mila, fata de o femeie singura, bolnava, imbracata in negru. Voise sa se razbune cu demnitate, sa iasa din rusinea nedreapta prin propria ei inteligenta, prin studiu, prin munca? Ei bine, nu! Comportandu-se cu umilinta, a fost ultragiata; cu mandrie, insultata cu calomnii. Si aceasta, ca rasplata a victoriei! Si amaraciuni, nedreptati si existenta aceea goala pentru ea, expusa la poftele oribile ale unui monstru, la delicatele, timidele dorinte ale unui sarman spirit, la semetele lasitati ale celuilalt: pietre, spini pretutindeni, pe drumul acela departe de viata. A fost brusc trezita de doua batai in usa. Si vocea Mariei: - La masa, Marta. - Cina, chiar acum? Inca nu se dezbracase. Cum sa ia masa acum, si cum sa se ascunda de mama ei, de sora? Se dezbraca repede, repede. Intrand, nu-si scoase de pe cap nici palaria. Se spala pentru a-si racori ochii si fata inrosita. - O bunatate! - spunea Maria, asezata la masa, in aburul placut care-i venea din castron. Si mama incepu sa-i depene tot ceea ce facuse ea si Maria, in timpul acelei ploi neasteptate, sus, pe terasa, pentru a salva florile.  "Va crede acum ca monstrul acela este amantul meu! E capabil!" se gandea Marta, dupa cina, inchisa in camera ei. Si isi spunea siesi chiar asa: amantul meu, deoarece tot astfel sotul ii inventase pe un altul, pe celalalt! Dar cat de dezonoranta i se parea acum aceasta vorba, referitoare la Falcone! Voia deci sa inceapa o noua razbunare, exasperat de dispretul ei?"        

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52. Joc de umbre - Guilfoile Kevin

La 3 ani, Justin Finn este ca orice alt copil: vesel, inocent, plin de viata. Insa intr-o zi chipul lui va fi copia fidela a ucigasului neindurator a carui replica genetica este in realitate. Poate un copil de 3 ani sa aiba trecut? Unde se gaseste sursa raului? Ce se intampla cu sufletul dupa moarte? Ce obtinem de fapt atunci cand clonam o fiinta umana? Viitorul extrem de plauzibil pe care Guil Foile il creeaza in romanul sau de debut reprezinta in aceeasi masura un avertisment si subiectul unui thriller psihologic spectaculos. Joc de umbre este unul dintre acele rare romane care iti raman in memorie si dupa ce ai intors ultima pagina. - San Diego Union Tribune

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53. Recollections of Henri Rousseau - Wilhelm Uhde , Nancy Ireson

Henri Rousseau was the first naive artist in the history of Western art to be recognized for his true worth. His paintings have now entered popular consciousness to such an extent that it is difficult to imagine how strongly they were resisted at the time. Much of the credit for his transformation is due to the author of these Recollections, dealer and art historian Wilhelm Uhde. It was Uhde who mounted the first exhibition of Rousseau's work, and the catalog he wrote for the occasion is the basis of the Recollections. In it, he painted a picture of a man of naivete, humor, and total commitment to an art of whose importance he was utterly convinced.

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54. The Human Touch: Our Part in the Creation of a Universe - Michael Frayn

 What would that universe be like if human beings were not here to observe it? Would there be still be numbers, or scientific laws? Would the universe even be vast, without our tininess to give it scale? This paradox is what Michael Frayn calls 'the world's oldest mystery'. In this book, with peerless wit and astonishing lucidity, he turns to confront mind boggling ideas head-on. The author of award winning novels (such as Spies), plays (Copenhagen and Noises Off) and films (Clockwise) here produces his first work of non-fiction, one which explores all of the ideas behind his brilliant, funny and hugely popular work.

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55. Down to Earth - Anne Scott-James , Osbert Lancaster

 First published in 1971, Down to Earth is a gardening classic: a treasury of gardening ideas on a wide range of topics. Ideas on designing and planting, ideas for the winter garden and the wild garden, ideas for planting the odd corner or filling the August gap, ideas for hedges and climbing plants, paths and windbreaks, ideas on books to read and gardens to visit. Anne Scott-James, a devoted but amateur gardener, writes about her own garden, made, like so many, with too little time, money and professional help, full of imperfections but a continual source of pleasure. She also writes about many other gardens all over Britain, and the practical and imaginative ideas she has collected from them. The text is engagingly illustrated with cartoons by her husband, Osbert Lancaster.

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56. Death By Prescription - Ray Strand

Death By Prescription: The Shocking Truth Behind an Overmedicated Nation Experienced family doctor Ray Strand writes his patients prescriptions every week, but he also believes that prescribing drugs should be a last resort in most medical cases-not a first choice. In Death by Prescription he provides simple guidelines to help readers protect themselves and their families from suffering adverse reactions to prescription medication.

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57. Charlotte: The True Story of Scandal and Spectacle in Georgian London - Kathryn Shevelow

 Born into the famous, sometimes scandalous, theatrical clan of Colley Cibber, Charlotte was an actress destined for greatness. But she rebelled, and started dressing as a man. When her father disowned her, her life became an adventure extending from the pinnacles of London society to its dangerous depths. Kathryn Shevelow captures Charlotte - an artist and a survivor - in all her guises, from her time among the leading lights of glamorous Drury Lane Theatre to her trials as a strolling player and puppeteer, to her comeback as author of one of the first autobiographies written by a woman. "Charlotte" is the captivating story of an extraordinary woman, set against the rich tapestry of London's colorful theatre world, its history and savage political battles.

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58. Banchetul de litere - Aura Christi

O carte-eveniment, alcatuita din dialoguri cu Ana Blandiana, Nicolae Breban, Augustin Buzura, Ion Ianosi, Gabriela Melinescu, Irina Petras, Dumitru Radu Popa, Alex Stefanescu si Ion Vianu. Un manual indirect de istorie, realizat de cunoscuta scriitoare (romanciera, poeta si eseista) in baza marturiilor unor oameni de cultura de prima mana, posibile modele europene, care – in falsa tranzitie interminabila – aleg, iar si iar, vocatia, atipica meserie de scriitor, ramanand – martori impartiali si atenti – mereu in prim plan.

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59. PSP Hacks - C K Sample

PSP Hacks: Tips & Tools for Your Mobile Gaming and Entertainment Handheld Sure, it's just what you've been clamouring for: an ultra slick, portable version of the most popular console gaming system in the world. But Sony's new PlayStation Portable (PSP) isn't just a handheld gaming device. Beyond its killer graphics and spectacular widescreen LCD for unparalleled game play, it also sports wireless connectivity and a variety of multimedia features, including video, music, and digital photography. Your wildly versatile, endlessly powerful PSP practically begs you to hack and repurpose it to your liking. To save you the trouble and show you how to make the PSP do more than you ever imagined - and more than Sony ever intended - PSP Hacks is one succinct volume of 50 of the coolest, most useful, up-to-the-minute hacks for this amazing device. You'll learn how to open your PSP's hardware and what to safely plug into it. You'll explore and put to good use every hidden feature of the device. You'll be able to move all sorts of multimedia onto your PSP and find ways to extend its wireless capabilities. And you'll find out how to get the very best experience out of online game play. With PSP Hacks, you can accomplish a whole lot more than good gaming on the PSP. You'll quickly learn to surf the Web with a PSP, chat in IRC, and use the PSP to read web comics, ebooks, and RSS feeds. Other expert tips and tools allow you to sync an address book to your PSP, watch UMD movies, fool iTunes into thinking the PSP is an iPod Shuffle, and much more. The innovative hacks, tweaks, and how-tos in this essential guide make it easy to customize your PSP, take full advantage of features, capabilities, and functionality far beyond what's listed in the PSP user manual, and make your PSP perform countless tricks that only an all-in-one portable entertainment unit as remarkable and revolutionary as this one could.

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60. The God Particle - Dick Teresi , Leon Lederman

The God Particle: If the Universe Is the Answer, What Is the Question? What Stephen Hawking did for cosmology, Leon Lederman does for particle physics (Dallas Morning News) in The God Particle, a funny and fascinating look at the universe from the Nobel Prize-winning physicist. In this extraordinarily accessible and enormously witty book, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Leon Lederman guides us on a fascinating tour of the history of particle physics. The book takes us from the Greeks' earliest scientific observations through Einstein and beyond in an inspiring celebration of human curiosity. It ends with the quest for the Higgs boson, nicknamed the God Particle, which scientists hypothesize will help unlock the last secrets of the subatomic universe. The God Particle will leave you marveling at our continuing pursuit of the infinitesimal.

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61. A Blow to the Heart - Marcel Theroux

The violent death of Daisy's husband leaves her a widow at 32, obliterating everything she has lived for. As she struggles to build a new life, a chance encounter with her husband's killer becomes the starting point of a journey into obsessive hatred. Daisy stalks the man, a small-time criminal and boxer called Joel Heath and pursues him in secret into the twilight world of professional boxing. She befriends Tate, a boxing has-been, and his deaf protege Isaac, in order to strike back at Heath. But Isaac's disability and his once-in-a-lifetime talent present Daisy with harder choices and more dangerous opponents than she could ever have imagined.   This taut intelligent book is a thriller with a brain and a heart.

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62. A Night at the Majestic - Richard Davenport-Hines

One May night in 1922, in a grand hotel in Paris, five of the greatest artists of the 20th century sat down to supper. It would be the only time that Joyce and Proust, Picasso, Diaghilev and Stravinsky were in a room together. Each of these exponents of early twentieth-century modernism was at the peak of his creative powers, and of all of them, Proust was enjoying the most spectacular success. Yet within six months he would be dead.   A Night at the Majestic evokes the luxury and glamour of early-twentieth century Paris, the intellectual achievement of the modernist movement and the gossip, intrigue and scandal of aristocratic France. Above all, Richard Davenport-Hines gives us a compelling portrait of one writer's bravery and devotion to his masterwork - and of the people and the city which gave it shape.

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63. Rug si Flacara - Eugen Uricaru

RUG sI FLACARA este scrisa cu o competenta de istoric. Farmecul cartii consta in faptul ca scriitorul EUGEN URICARU ne introduce intr-o atemporalitate de vis, intr-un fel de evolutie subacvatica a personajelor, al caror strigat de suferinta nu razbate pina la noi decit ca o pantomima lenta, plutitoare si gratioasa. Atmosfera seamana cu cea din Magicianul lui Fowles. Este insa mai voluptuoasa, mai feminina, in spiritul artei orientale. - Alex Stefanescu Istoria Literaturii Romane Contemporane      

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64. Pomegranate Soup - Marsha Mehran

For the inhabitants of the damp little Irish town of Ballinacroagh, the repertoire of gastronomic delights has never extended farther than the limp meals of the local inn's carvery. But things are about to change when the beautiful Aminpour sisters - Marjan, Bahar and Layla - arrive, determined to share the magic of their kitchen with the friendly locals.   Opening Babylon Cafe, right in the heart of town, they begin serving up traditional Persian dishes and soon the townsfolk is lured to the new premises by the tantalizing aroma of fresh herb kuku, lamb abgusht and elephant ear fritters, washed down with gallons of jasmine tea from the old samovar.   Not everyone welcomes the three women with open arms, though. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, as they say, and the women of Ballinacroagh want their men back ...   Filled with recipes, mouth-watering fragrances and mysterious spices, Pomegranate Soup is a heart-warming tale of romance, friendship and exotic food.

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65. Jurnal itinerant I+II+III - C.Th. Ciobanu

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